Sportsmans Question...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
When you're out hunting, and you forget toilet paper, What do you do ?!?!

I know this isn't a Normal "ISSUE" for some of you.. But it has happened to me before...

Thanx for your replies on this Sportsmans Issue !!!
Hell Moosie.....if you can remember the backup plans, you should remember your TP but, anyway, here goes:

1.) You and your buddies eat all your candy bars and use the wrappers.

2.) Any paper currency can be used....don't throw it away (unless you have big bucks) wash and dry as soon as possible, or take it home and wash in the clothes washer or dish washer. (Definitely don't let the wife catch you doing this though!)

3.) Tough it out and dump your butt in the first stream you come to. (Drink up stream first!)

4.) If you are a real wussie.....use your hankie.....this can also be washed out and used for the next senior moment.

5.) Cut your shirt tail off and use it. (Don't tell your buddies, they'll tell everyone you know for the next twenty years.

6.) Grab a handfull of grass, forest debtis, etc., and go at it.

7.) Tough it out like a man until you get back to camp or some water!
I've re-sewn in pockets.......
With a system like mine good old "bunfatti" is ALWAYS placed in a pocket or pack.
Don't you guys have moss and broadleaf plants, hell one leaf of Rangiora about 6 inches by 4 with the smooth fluffy underside of the leaf is better than any chitroll paper
Who takes toilet paper to the field? Oh, I forgot there's city raised woosies here.

Were's what you do, right before you squat you take out your pocket knife, and cut a branch about a half inch in diameter.

Second, while taking care of buisiness you whittle on the stick, removing the bark and smoothing it out, then split it down the center.

you then just use the two halves individually , one for the initial, the second for the clean-up. note; this works better if your diet keeps things more solid than fluid.

Of course this is null and void if you can find a couple of corncobs but go gently..

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 11:49: Message edited by: MarlandS ]</font>
Cut off the tops of your socks. Thats why I always wear long ones.
Kiwi - there are not too many broadleaf plants in many areas I hunt. Lots of pines, though, usually. Most of the leaves still on trees in the Fall are quite small. Sometimes, the plants that DO have broad leaves also have sharp stickers...
I'm with Kiwi as long as it's the green season; in the fall & winter things are kind of crumbly.
And, as always, be sure that clump of leaves you just pulled aren't anything resembling poison ivy.

Darren; Our trees and plants are evergreen they don't get dry and crumbly, we have sub tropical and temperate climates ie: it rains a fair bit

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 12:06: Message edited by: kiwi hunta ]</font>
If I wearing a short sleeve t-shirt I just cut one of the sleeves off. I've used a sock before, but that was with little walking left in the day.

Miller- You wear those half shirts while drinking White Russians?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 16:34: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
We have pine needles or prairie. I though everyone cut off the top of there socks, cheap and effective. A common mullein plant works great if you have one handy.
I have used a t-shirt/gloves/ and once a hat! but my buddies nicknamed me shithead for a while, now i never forget T.P.
You guys are a bunch of wimps,little dainty's scared to get the bunghole dirty

Here's what I do,I dig under the layer of leaves on the forest floor,until I find some wet ones.I use those first and continue to until I feel everything is cool and spotless.Then I dry with the top layer of dead leaves. Stand up once and shake,and head out!
If you are going to use broad leaf plants, make sure you look in the book first to see what Poisen oak, Ivy and nettles look like....
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