Spokane WA Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Help


Well-known member
May 16, 2020
Good Morning All,

I have been a member of RMEF since the 90’s, but have never been involved more than donating money. I‘ve purchased piles of raffle tickets and such to no avail. Recently I decided it’s time to get more involved. I am notoriously hyperactive and mouthy, both skills that MAY benefit habitat and elk. I am now on the Spokane Committee and want to get to work. I have more questions and ideas than answers to our areas struggling habitat and elk population. However, I believe we can make a difference. Recent HuntTalk podcasts have motivated me even more. I have a few questions for everyone.

Who do you know? What do you know? What work needs to be done? What would motivate you to join, participate, and slay (newest hottest kid slang) conservation?

My goals are simple, get involved and get shiz done. If I can have fun along the way why not? Think about those questions above. They’re open and broad for a reason. Who could be great partners in conservation? Who owns like minded businesses that we could partner with? Who??? What‘s the history of habitat and elk in this area? What events would you be interested in to help support the cause? Banquets? 3D tournaments? Cornhole?

Who do you know outside of Spokane that could be a resource of myself and others to help the cause?

I believe with hard work, informed goals, and a good time we can protect and enhance the habitat in our area to bolster our herds.

Hammsolo (Nick Hamm)
Good deal on getting on the Spokane committee! in the Missoula area our company is always open to helping out conservation projects especially if it involves some boots on the ground. I think a lot of companies would help if specific projects are identified that need sponsors. Most of the construction community is outdoor oriented and they may not have much to donate at the local banquet but they can run the heck out of an excavator for a day!