Spliting up the elk meat after the hunt

Talk to your buddy ahead of time. Factors I would consider are: How far is he driving to help? How much of a packout is it?

I have buddies that would drive a long arse ways to help on a limited tag and then kick me in the nether regions for offering anything more than some beers and dinner for their troubles. Volunteering to sherpa on some awesome hunts is the only way some of us will see those units.
“The sharing of a single big-game animal between two hunters is at once the most delicate and the most complex problem encountered during hunting, with the possible exception of deciding whose vehicle to drive on the hunt. It may be useful to examine the problem in some detail…”
-Patrick F. McManus in 'Share and Share Alike' from Never Sniff A Gift Fish

https://books.google.com/books?id=s...q=patrick F. mcmanus sharing elk meat&f=false
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I've been generous with giving meat to people who have helped, with mixed results. The guy who helped me pack out last year's bull (he had a cow tag and I stuck around 4 extra days helping him try to fill his tag) said I gave him "too damn much" when I brought meat to him in October. I thought he was just being gracious but when I asked him around Christmas how he and his wife were enjoying the meat, he said they hadn't even tried any of it yet. :eek: In hindsight, it might have been better to have him come to my house and grab the amount he wanted. The thought of elk meat just sitting in his freezer makes me sad because we're running low at my house. lol.
I would split down the middle myself If you are buying the tags and gas you are goin for the hunt itself And his is getting nothing for your company or helping you pack out other than meat It would be worth at least half imo
I've been generous with giving meat to people who have helped, with mixed results. The guy who helped me pack out last year's bull (he had a cow tag and I stuck around 4 extra days helping him try to fill his tag) said I gave him "too damn much" when I brought meat to him in October. I thought he was just being gracious but when I asked him around Christmas how he and his wife were enjoying the meat, he said they hadn't even tried any of it yet. :eek: In hindsight, it might have been better to have him come to my house and grab the amount he wanted. The thought of elk meat just sitting in his freezer makes me sad because we're running low at my house. lol.

I wouldn't be a bit shy about asking him for some or all of it back if he doesn't want it by telling him it was too much work and money to have it thrown in the garbage if he isn't going to eat it!
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