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Speer hot-cor


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2022
Hey guys I'm thinking about trying some 145gr Speer hot-cor with stalball 6.5 powder in my 7mm-08. Seen some really good data on the stalball powder and hopefully it works with my gun. But has anyone shot Speer hot-cor bullets and have you had good luck with them.?
I fired them in a 7mm mag years ago. Only bullet I have ever chosen over a Hornady spire point. Shot both into bunded newspaper from that 7mm mag. the Hornady 154 and the Speer 160. Hornady retained 85% of its weight, mushroomed very well but the core and the jacket were so loose I could hold the jacket and turn the core. The Speer also mushroomed perfecrly, the core and jsacket remained tight and it retained 85% of it's weight. I used that hot core in tha 7mm maag because it had a small group advantage, seems it shot 5/8" groups! Long time ago. the Hornady shot 3/4" groups and also had a small advantage in my other rifle's. I'm recently back to the hot core bullet in my 6.5x55 and my 6.5x06, using the 140 in both of them. I think it is really under appreciated and probably as good as any bonded bullet on the market for about half the price.
I have tried a few loads with them in 7mm-08. My last rifle just couldn't seem to shoot them well. I haven't tried with my newer rifle, but it's tempting to use them for practice because they're so cheap and they seem to always be in stock.
I have tried a few loads with them in 7mm-08. My last rifle just couldn't seem to shoot them well. I haven't tried with my newer rifle, but it's tempting to use them for practice because they're so cheap and they seem to always be in stock.

Yeah I seen that one supplier I ordered from had plenty in stock. I got a 1 and 8 twist in my barrel so I think it will shoot them with a good Powder charge. I shoot 70gr Speer sp in my 223 and have shot several deer with good results
A friend of mine says that's all he shoots and hunts with. I've seen his groups, not bad, but he is also kind of an oddball.
I happened to see this other thread about Hot Cor's in case it's helpful:

Also, here's some data I pulled off the Speer website several years ago.
Ive used Speer for around 45 years I have loaded the hot cors but prefer the BTSP shoot the 145 grain in the 7mm-08
and the 180 in 30-06 taken many animals. In the 7mm-08 I use H 4350.
I loaded up some Staball 6.5 and 150 corelokts in my 7-08 and it was pretty accurate. Speer hot core is a good bonded hunting bullet.

I got a box of Speer hot-cors on the way,145gr flat base. Trying to find some staball 6.5 powder now
I took a doe with the 130gr Hot Cor out of my 7mm Rem Mag the other year.
Did a fair bit of damage, didn't find the bullet.

I will say, that load will pass through an AR500 plate up to 200 meters if it's not free to swing. :oops:
The ones I've used are harder than other cup and core bullets I have used of the same size and weight. Performance has been consistent. I would call Speer and ask if that particular bullet is supposed to do what you will use it for.
Shot many Hotcors, very good bullets. The BTSP's are a bit softer but still good bullets. I am running the 145 BTSP in my 7-08 powered by H414. Great load for deer and hogs, quick killer.
Shot many Hotcors, very good bullets. The BTSP's are a bit softer but still good bullets. I am running the 145 BTSP in my 7-08 powered by H414. Great load for deer and hogs, quick killer.
Not sure so correct me. The BTSP's aren't Hot Cores are they?
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