South Dakotan currently in Wonderful California despite disagreement with state policies on civil liberties, taxation and wildlife management

That is likely true. Until your political ideology compelled you to whine about California and the laws, regulations, and policies inacted by the people, for the people, and of the people who populate the state in which you have CHOSEN to reside.

As a lifelong Montanan I hear the same rant from those who move here to leave some less desirable place ... then whine about Montana with wishes that it was more like the place they left behind!
Do you really believe all the policies in California were enacted by the people, for the people, and of the people who populate the state? You don't think there are any unpopular policies? If that was the case I assume you have never thought there was a bad policy passed in history?
And you think having opinions about what one sees as bad policies is whining? So you also then think Redmt was whining in his posts about Newsom? What about your posts about legislation? Are you whining too?


Do you think ballot box biology such as banning lion hunting or hound hunting for bears in CA is good or should it be left to F&G? You think that when someone comes to a place they should not have an opinion about the place they now live in? Or do you think that it was good that CA stopped these hunts?

Not saying I disagree with anything here, just trying to understand why my opinions are whining but your opinions are okay... Seems like you might agree that laws can be bad...
I didn't see anyone disagree with your views. I asked if it's bad, why are you here? I also stated that your name calling and derogatory personal name calling is offensive. It's not something I would expect from a new guy to an otherwise pretty friendly forum.
Do you really believe all the policies in California were enacted by the people, for the people, and of the people who populate the state? You don't think there are any unpopular policies?
Silly question. Never say "all". Yes, they were; that's the representative democracy legislative process. Unpopular to some ... but they did not have enough sway to block them.
What about your posts about legislation? Are you whining too?
Those posts are about legislation not yet vetted. No, not whining, but debating about merits one way or another.
Typically I do not whine about laws already enacted to which I disagree. I expend my criticism to legislators, commission, or others with responsibility to amend, revise, or overturn.
HB 139 is a clear example of legislative overreach and usurping of authority of FWP and the Commission. Pointing that out is not "whining".
Don't throw them rocks
What this guy seems to not understand is that the term commiefornia is offensive . I asked him plainly if he hates the place so badly, why live here? I agree with some of his statements, but I don't think of the state as commiefornia. It's insulting. He then proceeds with personal insults. Why?
If I was to run into him hunting in the woods then he would be trespassing. Lastly, he better get used to governor newsom and his politics. He's going to be the next president if someone doesn't stop him.
You're entitled to think it's offensive. There's nothing of note that you can say that someone couldn't find offensive 🤷‍♂️ It is a simple term and really not anything to get all up in arms about...
How did I personally insult you? You can say I live in a shithole and that isn't offensive to me or the state but now you have perceived some personal insult? Please do tell what was so personally offensive.

Never once did I say I hate the place. You continue to make things up. I expressed displeasure for some of the politics here. You yourself said you agree and can't provide any counterpoint with my opinion on the issues. So what is it that you are so upset about? That my diction isn't the same as yours? I enjoy living here, but I also think the state could greatly benefit from some changes, of which you have agreed??? I was recently spent a month in Vietnam. Disagree on tons of their politics but was one of the most pleasant experiences and in the top few of the 40ish countries I've been to. Should I have not gone because I disagreed with the politics?

You never leave private property? All this wilderness in CA and you never explore it? that's a bummer. Lot of great places in the state that you are missing out on. If you ever decide to explore a new area, I could recommend some great spots.
I do agree on Newsom. I have met him a couple times and honestly I thought he was going to run in 2024. Definitely posturing for 2028
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Silly question. Never say "all". Yes, they were; that's the representative democracy legislative process. Unpopular to some ... but they did not have enough sway to block them.

Those posts are about legislation not yet vetted. No, not whining, but debating about merits one way or another.
Typically I do not whine about laws already enacted to which I disagree. I expend my criticism to legislators, commission, or others with responsibility to amend, revise, or overturn.
HB 139 is a clear example of legislative overreach and usurping of authority of FWP and the Commission. Pointing that out is not "whining".
Don't throw them rocks
Not silly. If you concede that there are laws that were not by and for the people, than you concede that I can have legitimate issues with already passed laws. And your choice to only talk about upcoming legislation, is just that, your choice. I could say that in talking about already passed legislation that I am actually talking about proposed unvetted new legislation that would reverse that which has already passed. I just prefer to skip the mental gymnastics...

Nearly half of California's population hadn't even been born when lion hunting was outlawed. Should we not get to have any say in this because it has already passed?

I didn't mean to make this thread such a shit show. I am honestly shocked at the offence taken over the term 'commiefornia'. I'm not sure there is a single thing that could offend me as much as this fairly innocuous term has offended here...
If you concede that there are laws that were not by and for the people, than you concede that I can have legitimate issues with already passed laws
I do NOT concede. You and I, and possibly Redmt, are having some difficulty with language and rhetoric interpretation. I get it; you don't like many of the California laws, rules, and politics. I fully support your right to that opinion / attitude. (That's why I volunteered to visit Vietnam myself twice, back in the day.)
I do NOT concede. You and I, and possibly Redmt, are having some difficulty with language and rhetoric interpretation. I get it; you don't like many of the California laws, rules, and politics. I fully support your right to that opinion / attitude. (That's why I volunteered to visit Vietnam myself twice, back in the day.)
I used a pun to lightly jest about CA politics. This was taken as some great offense haha
You said my political ideology made me “whine about California and the laws, regulations, and policies enacted by the people, for the people, and of the people” and that I have “CHOSEN” to reside here. What did you mean by this? I took it to mean that these laws are popular and good and I shouldn’t have an opinion because the people here had already decided. Can’t think of any other point you were trying to make?

I pointed out that not all laws and regulations are by, for and of the people. Do you not agree with this? It seems you did agree by focusing on all, thereby conceding that some are not. I personally know lobbyists that influence legislation for special interests against individuals interests. People can also get things wrong and legislation should be able to be changed. Do you disagree?

I’ll make sure and ask you if it’s okay before having an opinion again 🙄

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