Kenetrek Boots

South Dakota guys..


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Huntley, MT
Hey guys, just thought I'd try to check in with the locals and see how things are looking over there. I am coming down the last week of October for an archery hunt and just wanting to see if there is anything I should be aware of or if deer season is looking good.

Thanks for any info you can provide.

I appreciate all the help you guys have given me over the last while in preparing for this hunt. I'll be hunting in Mellette county, around Wood.

Thanks all.
I am east of there 200 miles or so, but I believe they have been getting good moisture lately. Have not heard of any issues, so you you should be good to go.
I live in Hot Springs and the deer populations seem to be pretty decent. I am not familiar with where you will be hunting but everything is looking pretty good over here on the southwest side of the state. I hate driving through the parks up north and seeing so many nice elk, deer and antelope and not being able to do a darn thing about it! ha

Good luck!
Thanks guys again I appreciate all the help. Just nice to hear it from people who live there and know the weather and patterns.