South African Hunt - 16 Days of Fun


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
Two weeks from this afternoon, I am hoping to board a scheduled United flight to Johannesburg, South Africa for a two week plains game hunt - zebra, kudu, sable, implala, blue wildebeest, and possibly Cape buffalo.

Three years of planning and I actually think its gonna happen. After 2020 and 2021, I’m not getting excited until the transport vehicle actually pulls up to the Outfitter’s Lodge in the Limpopo region.

My second trip to Africa- I visited Kenya and Tanazania about twenty years ago on a mission trip. We helped build a church on the border in Maasailand and got to visit the Massai Mara Game Preserve. Unbelievable amount of game and scenery.

I am renting firearms from the PH and hope to share pictures in the near future. I am truly blessed and grateful for this opportunity. Too much on my mind. Can’t sleep or work!

Good luck. I'm currently saving for a trip. I here shipping any taxidermy back can cost almost as much as the trip itself.
Should be enjoyable! A bucket list item! Following along - Best to your adventure. Looking forward to the pics!
Do you know what caliber rifles your PH will have available for you? It will be interesting to see what his recommendation will be for each species.
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Good luck @TheGrayRider !!! As @kansasdad pointed out, wear out your camera and keep a journal because you're in for some sensory overload for the next two weeks. Don't pass up a warthog, I've been to SA and Zimbabwe and Pumba still eludes me. Dress comfortably for that flight and just get up and walk around fairly often, that flight is a loooong one.
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Good luck. Heading out on the 30th of August for 5 weeks over there. Look forward to hearing about your trip.
CFD422E6-EEA2-48DB-A692-F45FA1F33951.jpegLimpopo, South Africa. 16 days of total fun. 8/26 to 9/8. Killed 4 plains game trophies (kudu, sable, zebra, and wildebeest), 1 dangerous game trophy (Cape buffalo), 1 night critter hunting trophy (small-spotted genet), and bird hunt with PH and friends (genies, partridge, quail, and doves).

Cape buffalo bull pictured above shot with .375 H&H, 300 grain bullets at 85 yards.