Caribou Gear Tarp

Son needs a rifle for deer hunting

If there even had been a 7mm/08 back when I 1st started hunting big game I would not have wasted so much $$$$$$, time and nonsense in chasing around for a sensible, practical platform. It's just a good fit with a vast more rights on it's side than it's supposed wrongs.......
How about a nice little .257 Roberts ?
This is exactly what I did for my wife and my 8 year old son. Both have Ruger M77s in 257 Bob. They are an absolute joy to shoot and very accurate. Plenty of horsepower to drop deer and hogs so far, all dead right there. 257 is such a cool caliber that is largely overshadowed today by the other calibers mentioned (243, 25-06).
Any particular reason why you're moving to a 243 over the 7-08?
Less recoil. My daughter is a little recoil shy and would be more comfortable shooting a gun with a little less kick. All kids are different though, it bothers some more than others. Used .223 Rem. for deer and pronghorn she likes shooting that. Within it's limitations that little .223 does the job a .243 would extend the range and add a little more margin for error.
My oldest son killed his first deer with a 30-06 at 12 years old. The youngest son shot his first deer with a -270 at 12 years old. Shoot what I have, or stay home. Of course funds were a lot lower when the boys were young.
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