Someone killed a "RockStar"??

Uh oh...I'm sure the media will have a field day with this. Too bad to see a "known" wolf go but they are a WILD animal that is reeking havoc on other game populations.
Reading drivel like this gets me more fired up than just about anything. "The deaths have dismayed scientists"..."Wildlife advocates say that the wolf populations are not large enough to withstand state-sanctioned harvests"..."the animals attract tourist money." What about the other side of the story? Dismayed scientists? I'm fairly certain the biologists (aka scientists) supporting the management of wolves are dismayed by this. Wildlife advocates? Just because I hunt doesn't mean I'm not a wildlife fact the opposite is true. Tourist money? What about the money we as hunters contribute to wildlife management? They mention nothing about the money these wolves attract to anti-hunting organizations through their lawsuits that are being funded by our tax dollars.
Why doesnt the NY Times lobby the state of New York to take in these poor wolves? perhaps Central Park would be more welcoming

Good for the hunter, now he has a story to go with his rug :D
Why doesnt the NY Times lobby the state of New York to take in these poor wolves? perhaps Central Park would be more welcoming

I'm thinking the same thing, however, New York, in spite of all the hoopla its residents want for wolves out west thinks otherwise. Here's a blurb from the NY State Department

"New York State's Department of Environmental Conservation has a long and proud history of restoring native species when it is both biologically feasible and socially acceptable to do so. It is not clear that a wolf population could survive in New York given the abundance of highways and our large human population. Nor is it clear that having wolves in the woods of northern New York would be compatible with the interests of residents or the farmers that live on the periphery of that region. For these reasons, DEC does not believe that wolf restoration warrants serious consideration at this time."

Couldn't believe this when I read it.

However, CA seems to be attracting wolves, so stay tuned...
Nor is it clear that having wolves in the woods of northern New York would be compatible with the interests of residents or the farmers that live on the periphery of that region. For these reasons, DEC does not believe that wolf restoration warrants serious consideration at this time."

So what!

They federal land up there. Besides, look how much money they'll save when the wolves control the whitetails that are running in front of cars

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