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Soccer Season !!!

Gunner- Looks like she delivered a right cross before the kick :D ...gotta hope that keep was wearing safety glasses!

Nemont- Sounds like our daughters are about the same age- mine turns 13 next month. She is really popping the glove this year and has been doing equally well at the plate. It's REALLY fun when they just seem to take off at a sport virtually overnight!

Couple more from the tourney (sorry Moosie to veer from the soccer theme :eek: )

A little more pitching-



Gunned down at 3rd!

Slapping one to right

Safe at home on a double steal
Awesome pictures! Your daughter has the "I'm going to throw this pitch right down your throat" look down pat! ;)
Oak, funny you mention that. I've made my daughters wear a mouthpiece whenever sthey are pitching and it always seems to make them look pissed off- I think the oldest girl actually likes that effect!

One of her little "trade marks" when she is pitching and an opposing baserunner gets to third is to stare the girl down while she is pulling up her sliders, then she tells our catcher "If she goes, I've got home!"

Nothing like being a 110 pound bad ass! :rolleyes:
Great pics!! Thanks for sharing. With my first one on the way, I am definitely looking forward to being involved with sports for him. I know that it was THE biggest part of my life growing up. One summer in college I umpired about 200 games for both boys and girls ages 7 through 15. Gotta love small town ballparks!

And yes, I'll do just about anything to keep a soccer ball out of the house!

Those softball pitches bring back some memories... I was too old to play Senior League/Babe Ruth summer baseball and my sister (2yrs younger than me) was on the first ever fast pitch softball team in town. The high school was starting a team in two years, yet no one in town would volunteer to coach. So, I did!! Kinda hard coaching girls only 1-2yrs younger than you and whom you go to school with. We didn't win a game all season, as this was all the girls first year playing fast pitch, but the team got better as the year went on. The suprise came at the end of the season when we won the league tournament!! Quite the fun summer.
Thanks for the pictures. I like the fielding/pitching pictures. Those shields on the batting helmets take away a bucnch of the fun of getting kids expressions captured.

What camera you using?
Jose, took your Advice. Set up the Camera on the tripod and went to town !!!! I took 280 some odd pictures. In the mean time It kept me from losing my voice and not always swapping kids in and out too much :)
If you ever want to see a great coach in action, come watch my daguther's coach run a practice. The guy is mid-50's, kinda gruff sounding, but knows the game and earns the kids respect. They, as evidenced in the above picture, will run thru walls for this guy. He is "old school", but I am convinced it works after watching his little rag-tag gang from C-Town beat up on the High $$$$ club teams from Boise. These girls have to pay like $40 per season, and I think about 1/2 the team can't afford that, but, they get it raised, somehow, and then go over and beat the Boise clubs that spend $thousands$ of dollars per season on professional coaching, conditioning, uniforms, and travel. It is kind of funny to watch.

As for managing big amounts of pictures, I have about decided the free software from Google, called Picassa2, is the best. I love it for managing all the jpgs and you can do some quick editing, cropping, and folder managment. Helps to weed out the pictures you want to delete quickly.
I too second the Picassa software- only thing is that I found when you first upload it to capture the pics on your drive it captures EVERYTHING...I mean from screensavers to wallpaper! The junk is easily deleted however!

Gunner- Camera is a older Fuji 5000...outdated by new standards but takes good pics and the 10x optical is a decent piece of glass/zoom. I will likely upgrade in the next year and will donate it to the school for their yearbook club which is using an old poor res junker...all their pictures look like the same people ;)

I would like to watch him. I don't know squat about soccer and the rules. But I know how to have fun and make the kids work hard. I've been randomly saying "Hands up" and the kids have to put their hands up or else. (Or else is running , pushups or I just beat them up ;) ) I also started whenthey looked sleepy to sing the first part of "If your happy and you know it clap your hands". A couple kids were too "cool" to sing it so I had to break them of that and get them to realize it's OK not to be "cool" and work with everyone instead of running their own show.

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