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So What did BHA do to Tick Off Lobowatch

This may be what he's referencing. I seem to remember that about 2 years ago RMEF posted something about fake conservation groups. It seemed to be pointed at a host of organizations like BHA but was actually directed towards MWF. I can't find the post but got a response when I challenged their post and threatened to cancel my membership.

EDIT: Found it...https://onyourownadventures.com/hunttalk/showthread.php?263405-wtf-rmef&highlight=rmef

During the 2017 Legislature, MWF, RMEF, BHA, WSF, MTWSF, DU, MDF, PF, MSA, MBA, MTTU, TRCP & The Wildlife Society all teamed up to form the Montana Sporting Coalition. Together, these groups restored funding for Habitat Montana, worked to increase funding for block management by roughly 85%, passed legislation aimed at restoring public and private land habitat against invasive species, and fought off numerous attacks to our sporting heritage.


That coalition is continuing in the interim.

Sure, these groups can and will disagree on specific policy issues, but when the chips are down, they pull together and work for a common cause. The differences that get highlighted are akin to family squabbles, in my opinion.
I made the mistake of searching for Lobowatch, and lo and behold, Lobowatch 2 pops up.....sounds like a bad horror flick sequel. And by skimming the content, it is shaping up to be straight to DVD quality...

Toby Bridges, the "man behind the site" is next level paranoid conspiracy theory believer. Wow. Doesn't appear he has the funds or motivation to keep the "battle" going; apparently he encountered something he owes a fair amount of known as "taxes".
It's not just one specific issue where I may differ that causes me to cancel a membership with these organizations or not even join, rather a pattern or shift from what I believed was their initial beliefs and goals. Unless I'm the exception, I don't agree 100% of the time with politicians on every issue, but so long as we agree most of the time and I agree with their long term goals I'll be happy to send them my money and donate my time.
I'm pretty sure toby would feel at home in my local bowling alley. Prime rib on Friday and lots of rational like-minded people.

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