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So long TV - Hello Amazon

I'm one of your 20%. Not locked into anything but the lap top runs off of a hotspot as I need the mobility for work as it double when I am on the road. Thus I have satellite for tv due to band with issues. But I can see changes coming via the ph/hotspot provider as they slowly push us all in the direction they want. Hate being corralled by anyone, especially a tech provider but it is the world in which we live now. It'll be a while yet before I cancel the satellite, but I can see that day coming fairly shortly and may switch everything over to the business to cover it all.
I have all 3 outdoor type channels. Increasingly I am finding less to watch. Tend to gravitate towards types of show where I would consider hunting with the hosts, like you and Meateater (who gives us a history lesson every time he hunts. BTW where did he go to?). Thus the people who have sophomoric jokes, face paint, show titles with killer, assassin, hitman, etc don't make the cut. Along with idiots who jump around and scream "that's what I'm talking about" and then scream and holler some more after taking an animals life.

Frankly I am baffled by what the channels seem to advocate. You;ll have to clue us in as to the idiocy that you have to deal with on that end.
Best of luck with this. You numbers prove you are heading the right way. The independence this move brings must be refreshing.
I'll ahve to hijack someone Amazon prime password. :hump:
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I discovered your shows on youtube and amazon. I think I watched 8 seasons in 7 days. This is definitely the way to go in this day and age.
50 minutes on the elliptical this evening went pretty fast watching 2017 WY lope. Enjoyed.
Whatever the format and even with great shows like Western Hunter and Fresh Tracks, I seem to be watching less and less of it than I used to. I think it’s just an issue of over saturation for me, I’d rather be doing it myself, I never get tired of that.
This is AWESOME! My wife and I got a Firestick this Christmas and cancelled our Satellite TV package (didn't have any hunting channels to begin with so no loss). We were both super pumped when we saw we could watch Fresh Tracks. We watched all of season 3 again and are about half way through season 4.

Congrats on the switch!
I haven’t had cable for years and discovered your channel on YouTube. This lead me to your Amazon Prime content which is amazing! The high HD quality is awesome and I do enjoy the longer format! Congrats from MN!
Good for you Randy, I know this has been your goal for awhile. Now I guess I'll have to get out of the dark ages and get Amazon prime
I cut the cord a couple of years ago and never looked back. Watch the heck outta the shows on Youtube. If it benefits Randy & his crew more for me to do so on Amazon, I'll head that wife already has Prime, so its an easy switch.

Absolutely enjoy the product FT offers! Congrats on the move!
Congratulations Randy! My family and I look forward to watching your show on Amazon Prime. It's been tough to fit the exact time fitting for your show on regular television via DirecTV. For us to have the freedom to watch your shows at our convenience brings it to a new level and I love the idea of less restriction to convey your hunt or better said, each of your adventures...

We are not at a point to turn off our DirecTV as there is significant value to current news and of course , sporting events. However since we have been actively involved with Amazon Prime shows as well as some Netflix etc. This will be a value to our family.

Congratulations again! Sounds like a fantastic move!
This is great news and I am looking forward to watching your show on Amazon Prime. We haven't had cable TV for over 6 years now. I was stuck in a hotel the other day and watched cable TV for the first time in years. I can't believe how bad it's gotten with the commercials. A 30 min slot had 14 minutes of commercials and 16 min of air time ( I might be exaggerating a bit, but it sure felt like it). Most of them were commercials for prescription drugs that will cure your ailment, but their side affects may kill you.
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This should be a great move for the show. I have been watching exclusively on Youtube since you started on there. We dropped cable a few years ago. I took the family to Denver for Avs and Broncos games this past weekend. While in the hotel I flipped to something called the Pursuit channel. Like others have stated I was stunned by what I saw. I don't even recognize the version of hunting that is shown on this channel. I tried to watch a whitetail hunting show. If that is what whitetail hunting is today, it is far cry from what I experienced in Missouri while going to school 20 years ago. Disappointing to say the least. Keep up the good work Randy, your stuff is well done and I believe it is better served on YT and Amazon than to be associated with what I saw on cable.
Congrats! I think this is a great move especially with the bulked together channel packages that are offered by TV service providers. I am looking forward to the new content!
Great move, Randy. I got rid of cable 5 years ago and will never go back. I'll continue to watch you on Prime and will encourage others to do the same. I'm excited to see how the show evolves without the constraints that you've had to deal with in the past.
I love it! We gave up conventional TV awhile back and mostly just watch streaming feeds from Amazon, Hulu, Netflix and Youtube for our video watching needs.
While I'm happy you will have more freedoms and such, what you have now done is just moved the cost burden to the consumer rather than you paying it yourself. I already have cable TV so I was able to watch you as an included cost in my cable bill. Now to watch I have to pay for cable AND Prime or wait for how ever long it takes to publish on YT. While I get why you did it, it's not all roses for everyone. I myself already have Prime as well, but instead of you paying the Outdoor channel and making them money which you covered before, now we cover it for you AND you still make money and so does Amazon now. :O
Congrats on the move glad you will be able to post with less restrictions! Thank goodness my sister has a prime account I've been using it to get last minutes hunting and fishing gear but now I'll use it for the show!
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