Caribou Gear Tarp

So, Antelope tomorrow?

I draw more out of state pronghorn tags than I draw in MT. Thank goodness the archery tag can still be had (with some luck) as a second choice.
Wife and I drew 411 cow tags and i drew 900 series antelope. And a deer b tag for me too. Not a bad day at all!!
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Looks like I got a 900 antelope and an antelope B rifle for the unit I hunted last year. No elk B for me but my boss got his elk B so I'll help him track something down.

Edit: I guess I got lucky and drew a Deer B permit in 324. Was hoping for that as a buck permit but I'll take it. Looks like I might have plenty of meat if things come together.
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Antelope 2nd choice 900 for my wife and I. A buddy and I got a Elk B tags for the Sun River Game Range. A very pleasant surprise indeed :)
B tags for us, both deer and elk. No antelope. Bums me out cause my kids had a blast last year. mtmuley
Gentlemen, I drew nothing. Nothing. I would be lucky to draw a breath of fresh air from FW&P. Good luck to all. MTG
Antelope buck and doe for both girlfriend and I. She also drew a good cow permit, I just got a region 4 cow tag. We both got doe deer tags also. Going to be busy!!
No luck so far for a single first choice for me. Drew 900 antelope and my third choice Elk B. Good luck to all for the tags they were lucky enough to draw, be them first or last choice!
Both the wife and I drew cow elk.
I drew antelope and antelope B.
I drew deer B.

I am 21 out of 500+ on the damage roster for elk in a good unit.

That combined with my deer A, Single region B, a general elk tag, the possibility of a bison and nearly the same for my wife means I should quit my job in September and buy another freezer. I just gotta talk it over with my wife. ;)
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