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Small things can make a big difference.

Speaking of powder, I seldom try many new powder's. Still a lot of 50 year old types that do well for me. So many new one's you could go broke just trying them. have a load of H4831 in my 6.5x06 that averages under 1/2" on a regular basis. Why should I change that? There are so many different powder's out there today I have no idea how anyone can keep them straight. newest powder 's I use are varget and RL-19 and RL-22. Not a clue how old they are. Wish I could still get N-205!
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If you didn't weigh the empty cases and sort by weight, everything else is not the same.
Without nerding out on alloys and density... Sized in the same die+trimmed to same length+same weight= (approximately) same internal capacity.
So, how much variation in empty case weight is acceptable for "approximately" the same? + or -1 grain per 30-06 case?
Yep. That's what I learned. Federal brass wasn't doing a satisfactory job with three different powder charges so I tried some different brass and powder weights. It appears Remington brass pushed up the velocity a bit (higher on the target and more recoil) but erratic grouping. Federal brass produced similar elevation above bull but slightly better group (albeit still unsatisfactory). At this point I'm looking for the best group. Getting close. Then I'll adjust elevation and windage for 200 yards.
That's probably very true but something I just don't pay much attention to. I use same brand of brass for all loads. Might be different brands with the loads but the end result will be worked up in the same brass. Want a shock/ try weighting brass, even the same brand. No idea why some shoots well at all! I pretty much stick to Wim and Rem brass mostly because It's generally easy to get a hold of. I'm a hunter and while I have some really good shooting guns, I don't need match quality ammo to kill an animal! I don't know that by even using the same case and reloading it the same after every shot, we will ever actually shoot a true one hole group. Like to think we could but just never has happened and has been tried. I throw powder charges and trickle up. Generally a 1/2" group is good for me but then I also know it's probably me doing the screwing up! So samr brand case's, sure. Weight the case's, not me tried it and it confusing. how can 20 case's in a box all made the same way vary so much? Something I do do is with handguns and cast rifle loads. I don't worry much about matching the date on military case's. Now the Lake City Nat. Match case's I used had no date on them, go figure!
I have loaded 165 gr. Nosler Accubonds and Partitions in two 30-06 rifles using IMR4350 57.4 grs. using Federal 210 primers. The same load shot perfectly in two rifles with zero pressure signs and long case life.

165 gr. bullets. (I love Nosler Accubonds & Partitions)
Federal 210 primers
Winchester brass
IMR4350 powder
57-58 grains seems to be a sweet spot with his powder in the combination of components listed.
The title of this thread reminded me of the guy I saw at our range last Sunday. .338 Lapua, brake of course. Had it in one of those infinitely adjustable shooting rests. And it was ratchet strapped to the concrete bench. All I could do not to laugh. mtmuley
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