Yeti GOBOX Collection

Small 4x4 truck with best fuel economy?

The thing about tacos and the even better "pickup" is that they simply run forever. You can beat on them, and neglect them, and they still won't let you down.

But I'd concur with the small suv or as my fellow small car driver has pointed out... a small shitty (but great) foreign car. Drive the 3/4 ton if the weather/trip warrants it, but general driving I prefer this little hot minute with the flappy paddle gear box.

Guy wants a nice little truck, and now it's ARs, Subarus, whatever crosstreks are, and financial planning. Talk about thread drift.
People who are insecure about their manliness are pure entertainment to watch.

Keep min mind some of these guys rev engines in walmart parking lots during mating season, so the truck is literally a huge part of their life and image as it helped them get their wife and even children who may have been conceived in the back of said truck.

The opposite end of the spectrum is like my ranching buddy here in town who has an old beat to shit dakota with the bed full of t posts, wire, feed, boots, tools, tailgate held on by ratchet strap and bailing wire and only cares if the truck gets from A to B.

Vehicles mean many different things to different people.
I have to admit the Chevy Traverse is going on western hunting trips this year. Hitch carrier with cooler and a few ratchet straps for horns if I’m lucky. The pickup is staying home, those second row captains chairs are pretty nice when it’s someone else’s turn to drive.
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I’ve always had trucks. Work trucks that are actually used for work. Chevy/ GMC 2500s 4x4s. I buy the contractors package. Electric windows, locks, cruise, rubber floor mats and cloth seats. I drive them till they fall apart and buy a new one.
12-13 MPG uphill, downhill, highway, in town, or strapped to the space shuttle, doesnt matter. I don’t love them, they’re just a tool.
I bought my wife an Outback last year. I freaking love driving that thing. I can park it anywhere and it sips gas. Comfy ride and loaded with tech stuff. The buying experience was actually pleasant. Seriously thinking about buying one to drive out west to hunt out of. They seem to last forever.
As for hunting out of SUVs, I had POS vehicles growing up; filthy and smelled bad. A strong no on that. And we had more gear and provisions in our LandCruiser than anyone would believe for prolonged rafting trips. But wet stuff went in the Thule box. Not throwing elk quarters and antelope in the back and baking it for a few hours either. For you that enjoy, as I believe Tom Wolfe termed it, nostalgie de la boue, go for it.

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