In another post, Big Fin brings up a good point … "slush fund". Similarly, like Big Fin … I'm "cheap" (I like to use the word "frugal"
When I graduated College … I didn't make much at first. I chose to stay in Montana, so I paid the "Big Sky tax" (low paying job = cost of choosing to live here in MT). When I met my "wife-to-be", I hunted a lot. She knew I hunted every Fall. I'm not saying we didn't have issues with "my hunting" at times in our relationship … but she knew. Because we were and are careful with our money … I tried to think of ways to make more money without being absent from our relationship or raising our two boys. So, I thought … If I spend "my money" on travel … I could/should get the per-diem when I am reimbursed for travel expenses. I approached my wife with the idea (transparency) and she thought it was a good idea. I set up, through my job, that the per-diem reimbursement would be direct deposited into a separate saving account (aka - "slush fund") that I pretty much use for hunting. Now that we are in a better place, financially, we give each other an "allowance" each pay period. So, most of this money goes into my "slush fund". By putting aside an "allowance" we don't take a "big" hit in the Fall when I go hunting or she does what she does.
In my job I travel regularly and my job provides me with per-diem for lodging and food (morning, lunch, and dinner). I stay at hotels that serve a breakfast, so I don't spend money on that. I usually go to lunch with coworkers or others, so I eat at a decent restaurant for lunch. I eat at McDonalds, Wendys, Subway, etc. for dinner (one night out of the week I might have a nice dinner). By not maximizing my per diem, I save money. When back from my travel(s) I fill out the necessary paperwork (receipts, etc.) and the funds are direct-deposited into my separate savings account. It's my way of setting aside a little money and after some time … it adds up.
What are some of the ways you set aside money into your "slush fund"? Maybe your idea will help someone else with putting money aside.
When I graduated College … I didn't make much at first. I chose to stay in Montana, so I paid the "Big Sky tax" (low paying job = cost of choosing to live here in MT). When I met my "wife-to-be", I hunted a lot. She knew I hunted every Fall. I'm not saying we didn't have issues with "my hunting" at times in our relationship … but she knew. Because we were and are careful with our money … I tried to think of ways to make more money without being absent from our relationship or raising our two boys. So, I thought … If I spend "my money" on travel … I could/should get the per-diem when I am reimbursed for travel expenses. I approached my wife with the idea (transparency) and she thought it was a good idea. I set up, through my job, that the per-diem reimbursement would be direct deposited into a separate saving account (aka - "slush fund") that I pretty much use for hunting. Now that we are in a better place, financially, we give each other an "allowance" each pay period. So, most of this money goes into my "slush fund". By putting aside an "allowance" we don't take a "big" hit in the Fall when I go hunting or she does what she does.
In my job I travel regularly and my job provides me with per-diem for lodging and food (morning, lunch, and dinner). I stay at hotels that serve a breakfast, so I don't spend money on that. I usually go to lunch with coworkers or others, so I eat at a decent restaurant for lunch. I eat at McDonalds, Wendys, Subway, etc. for dinner (one night out of the week I might have a nice dinner). By not maximizing my per diem, I save money. When back from my travel(s) I fill out the necessary paperwork (receipts, etc.) and the funds are direct-deposited into my separate savings account. It's my way of setting aside a little money and after some time … it adds up.
What are some of the ways you set aside money into your "slush fund"? Maybe your idea will help someone else with putting money aside.