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Slick trick shooting accuracy


New member
Nov 20, 2012
I shot the regular Slick Trick 100gr. last year and I'm wondering what you guys thought of them. How did you set them up? I shot mine on Gold Tip 75/95 XT pro hunter shafts with 2 inch blazer vanes. 2 degree offset on the vanes. Just a touch over 400 grains total. I was thinking of going with a 3 degree right helical with three vanes, or going to a 4 vane setup.. I could shoot a 6 inch group at 60 yards with them before, but they just weren't as accurate as shooting my field points.

So my thoughts are if I can't get them to group any better than that with these different setups this summer, I'm probably going to go to a mechanical which is what I usually use for deer.

What are your guys thoughts on the Ulmer edge broadheads?

Shot the Rage Hypodermics for deer last year and it really opened up a massive wound channel on the deer I shot. You guys used them for elk yet? Any good results?

What do guys recommend for elk?
Almost same setup but 125 magnums. That's pretty accurate but if you want more... How consistent are your arrows. Weigh the components as you build to essentially get clones. Number them to check for fliers. Spin tests are key. Fine tune the bow with the blades on. Perhaps a low pro 3" vane.

I'm not giving up my tricks.
See the numerous other threads about this subject. Get ready as people are extremely opinionated when it comes to broad heads. It's actually pretty entertaining to read some of the comments.
See the numerous other threads about this subject. Get ready as people are extremely opinionated when it comes to broad heads. It's actually pretty entertaining to read some of the comments.

Truth. Archery opinions are like a-holes. Everybodies got them, most of them stink.
I shoot the Slick Trick 125's on Easton Full Metal Jacket arrows with 2" Blazers. They came out at 425gr.

I killed a nice bull in Wyoming and can't complain about the set up. Three years later I still shoot the same combo on whitetail.

Everything I read about archery and elk hunting was to go with the heaviest arrow set up possible. I became a big believer in momentum over speed.

Do your homework. Good luck!
Ya I appreciate it guys! I was more concerned about if you guys did a right helical or tried a four vane set up with the slick tricks.
I personally haven't seen a benefit in 4 vanes. I rock a quality vane, been playing with flex fletch, and generally a 2-3 offset. Helicals on short stiff vanes just don't work well.
Here's my take on your question, you're asking about how to set up an arrow to match the broadhead for better accuracy. You reference that your broadheads aren't hitting where your field points do. Therein lies the problem. You're trying to ask an arrow to fix a problem with your bow.

If your BH isn't hitting where your FT hits, then you have some minor adjustment issue in your bow. It could be your nock point, could be your rest, could be tiller or it could be you.

Now, if you said, I have 5 packs of broadheads that all shoot perfectly, but the Slick Tricks won't hsoot for me, then I would tell you to forget about slick tricks. I love them, they are my new favorite broadhead, but I understand archery rigs are finicky sometimes.

I would double check some of the other types of tuning such as a paper tune or doing a walkback tune. ALso double check your form. If you've got awesome accuracy at 60yds with FT's then you're probably doing fairly well. Then match your arrows to your bow. BH's are just a tip on the arrow. Yeah, some broadheads impact flight more than others, but a micro head like the slick trick is hardly a large profile head.

Finally, why are you shooting groups with your broadheads? I would focus more on doing a 5 spot or shooting just one arrow at a time. Maybe you are subconsciously trying to avoid breaking arrows. I know I do. Just worry about one arrow per target. Its more realistic for hunting and it will force you to focus on the bullseye and not making a good group.
Since you asked, I shoot 100gr slick trick mags on GT 55/75 Hunter XT cut to 28". Old setup is three 5" duravanes. That worked amazingly well. 3-4" groups at 40yds. I shoot a PSE Xforce at 62lbs.

Last year I wanted a more compact vane so I went with the 2.1" Norway Fusion vanes. They were tough to fletch with superglue. Many of them came off, so I bought the Bohning slow cure glue and that works really well and stays flexible enought to put a helical on the vanes. I still get rockstar accuracy with the slick tricks as well as my backup heads the G5 striker. Both are fixed blade heads that are solid.

The only time I've found 4 fletchings to be necessary is when shooting the huge headshot broadheads for turkeys. I shoot the Magnus Bullhead 125gr and they prefer a 4 fletch full length arrow. I've put four 5" durance on those arrows and they fly great. I can shoot those bullheads to 30yds easily.
If I get a 4" group at 60 yards with field points I'm pleased. 6" with broad heads you are killing it. I can't find a reason to use a different broad head. I've been using them for three years and will again this season.
I use a helical clamp and put as much offset on my vanes as I can get. 2 degrees isn't much. I'd do more. I think you'll see an increase in accuracy by doing so.

Is your setup tuned well? Is the group a random group, stringing upwards, horizontal?
I shot Slick Tricks with 3 helical Blazers, and found them to be among the most accurate, consistent broadheads made.
I shot the Magnums for a couple of seasons. They flew awesome and were scary sharp. The one thing I wasn't happy about was the blood trail, or lack thereof, on a wild boar I shot and a Dall sheep I had to shoot 3 times. I know I'm in the minority of users that had issues, so I went back to my Shuttle T's. The Slick Tricks were a really good flying head with my blazer vanes.

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