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This bill is one of the dumber ones I have seen this session, and that is saying something. There is no way to enforce it. The state would spend more in creating a payment portal than they would ever receive. They can't charge me for sending an opinion via email just because it is about a specific topic - in this case environmental review. The enforcement mechanism is stated in the bill says that "comments provided without the required fee are not accepted." OH NO!SERIOUSLY WTF!!!! You'll never guess which political party has gotten so bold with a super majority
HB695 would allow the state to charge a fee for commenting on environmental policy. Blatant violation of the First Amendment. Bill's sponsor stated that it would discourage the use of form letters as comments for EIS reviews
Montana HB695 | 2021 | Regular Session
Summary (2021-04-29) Generally revise environmental laws [(S) Died in Process]
Bill would allow fees for commenting on state environmental reviews
The bill does not specify what an appropriate fee would be, but does allow an agency to reduce or waive a fee should a commenter show that the charge