SIGH....HB 695 (charge a fee to comment on state policy)

Sure worked when you got your new President elected! I don‘t see you screaming about that! Just thinking out loud I guess.
Sure worked when you got your new President elected! I don‘t see you screaming about that! Just thinking out loud I guess.
Ya, me too, WTF are you correlating this from? What policy does Biden expect you to pay to comment on? Dumbest post to date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I give to much credit these days?
1. This would cost people who write original letters, not just form letters.

2. A form letter is a statement of opposition or support. Though I would agree they are lamer than something original, I don’t have a lot of pity for folks who feel so burdened by sitting down and reading that they’d be willing to inflict a cost on everyone who comments via written word. Oh the humanity. It’s their jobs and it ain’t that hard.
I realize that, and have no problem with it costing. If it a cause worthy of passion then have it be an effect of out of pocket.
Ya, me too, WTF are you correlating this from? What policy does Biden expect you to pay to comment on? Dumbest post to date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I give to much credit these days?
“too much” not “to much”

I don’t know where it came from but the reaction was priceless.
1. This would cost people who write original letters, not just form letters.

2. A form letter is a statement of opposition or support. Though I would agree they are lamer than something original, I don’t have a lot of pity for folks who feel so burdened by sitting down and reading that they’d be willing to inflict a cost on everyone who comments via written word. Oh the humanity. It’s their jobs and it ain’t that hard.
I realize that, and have no problem with it costing. If it a cause worthy of passion then have it be an effect of out of pocket.
Right!?!?! Can you imagine the nerve of these people trying to participate in their own Government? It's almost like the public is under the impression that these people ran campaigns to get elected for public office under the guise that they would represent said public. What fools!
it’s ok that robots generating emails get to have an opinion on how our gubbermint is run?
I think if you care about a subject enough to write a note to a legislator or senator it might not be a bad idea that it cost you a little.
I can see the downside to this as well.
I realize that, and have no problem with it costing. If it a cause worthy of passion then have it be an effect of out of pocket.

it’s ok that robots generating emails get to have an opinion on how our gubbermint is run?
I think if you care about a subject enough to write a note to a legislator or senator it might not be a bad idea that it cost you a little.
I can see the downside to this as well.
May as well charge some cheddar to vote too huh?
I realize that, and have no problem with it costing. If it a cause worthy of passion then have it be an effect of out of pocket.

it’s ok that robots generating emails get to have an opinion on how our gubbermint is run?
I think if you care about a subject enough to write a note to a legislator or senator it might not be a bad idea that it cost you a little.
I can see the downside to this as well.
We already pay for our representation. It's called taxes.

The idea that those representatives would withhold that representation in lieu of additional fees would equal taxation without representation. We literally fought a war over know...the American Revolutionary War.

This sentiment of yours is about as un-American as it gets.
I think if you care about a subject enough to write a note to a legislator or senator it might not be a bad idea that it cost you a little.
Or you just line their pockets before the election like MOGA does. That seems to be pretty effective doesn’t it Eric?
wow this one turned sideways...I'm glad I went skiing and drank a bunch of free beer on Saturday

I agree form letters suck...many people don't bother with their understanding and take the easy route while others don't know what to say and use form letters as an attempt to voice an opinion. Charging to comment is nothing short of unconstitutional and forces a burden on both the commenter and the state. As an elected official it's their duty to listen to the voters...if theydon't like it go back to whatever it is they were doing before and someone else can take their spot. As far as I'm concerned voting for something that violates the constitution of both the State of Montana and the United States of America is an impeachable offense.

Freedom Of Speech, Expression, And Press​

Section 7. Freedom of speech, expression, and press. No law shall be passed impairing the freedom of speech or expression. Every person shall be free to speak or publish whatever he will on any subject, being responsible for all abuse of that liberty. In all suits and prosecutions for libel or slander the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and the jury, under the direction of the court, shall determine the law and the facts.
I realize that, and have no problem with it costing. If it a cause worthy of passion then have it be an effect of out of pocket.

it’s ok that robots generating emails get to have an opinion on how our gubbermint is run?
I think if you care about a subject enough to write a note to a legislator or senator it might not be a bad idea that it cost you a little.
I can see the downside to this as well.
Nobody is using bots to generate comments. Those form letters are individuals who take the effort to click a few links & express their thoughts, as voiced by an organization.

Montana made a commitment to it's people in the 1972 Constitution. That promise was that government would be open & fair; that public participation would be a cornerstone of MT's political processes, and that open government is more important than the slight inconveniences of counting how many people agree or disagree with the sentiment. This bill ignores that, and makes it about closed governance.

That's on top of MTGOP led efforts to make MEPA a performative exercise rathe than a substantive one. About 10 years ago or so (may have been 2009), the Legislature changed how MT institutionalizes commenting, so that agencies don't have to make changes, just simply acknowledge that they received x number of comments for or against, and publish them.

So, apart from the obvious 1st amendment issues, there are state constitutional issues at play as well.

If you want a form of gov't that openly despises it's citizens, I suggest you move to Russia.
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wow this one turned sideways...I'm glad I went skiing and drank a bunch of free beer on Saturday

I agree form letters suck...many people don't bother with their understanding and take the easy route while others don't know what to say and use form letters as an attempt to voice an opinion. Charging to comment is nothing short of unconstitutional and forces a burden on both the commenter and the state. As an elected official it's their duty to listen to the voters...if theydon't like it go back to whatever it is they were doing before and someone else can take their spot. As far as I'm concerned voting for something that violates the constitution of both the State of Montana and the United States of America is an impeachable offense.

Freedom Of Speech, Expression, And Press​

Section 7. Freedom of speech, expression, and press. No law shall be passed impairing the freedom of speech or expression. Every person shall be free to speak or publish whatever he will on any subject, being responsible for all abuse of that liberty. In all suits and prosecutions for libel or slander the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and the jury, under the direction of the court, shall determine the law and the facts.
Nobody is using bots to generate comments. Those form letters are individuals who take the effort to click a few links & express their thoughts, as voiced by an organization.

Montana made a commitment to it's people in the 1972 Constitution. That promise was that government would be open & fair; that public participation would be a cornerstone of MT's political processes, and that open government is more important than the slight inconveniences of counting how many people agree or disagree with the sentiment. This bill ignores that, and makes it about closed governance.

That's on top of MTGOP led efforts to make MEPA a performative exercise rathe than a substantive one. About 10 years ago or so (may have been 2009), the Legislature changed how MT institutionalizes commenting, so that agencies don't have to make changes, just simply acknowledge that they received x number of comments for or against, and publish them.

So, apart from the obvious 1st amendment issues, there are state constitutional issues at play as well.

If you want a form of gov't that openly despises it's citizens, I suggest you move to Russia.
Ben as I’d stated, “I can see the downside of this as well”, and would never sanction having to pay.

As mthuntr points out very validly, most people will not form an educated opinion. It is way to east to click on a form letter and fire it off.
Ben as I’d stated, “I can see the downside of this as well”, and would never sanction having to pay.

As mthuntr points out very validly, most people will not form an educated opinion. It is way to east to click on a form letter and fire it off.
I recommend you sit this one out're talking in circles.

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