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Show me your Subaru

Heading to show @Stocker my excellent Subaru driving skills 😂


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Ok, I’ve cooled my jets on hating Subarus for the moment because I seen someone started a thread about the World Cup, apparently some kind of soccer tournament. I think I hate soccer more than Subaru’s. If you drive a Subaru, listen to soccer, on the way to muzzleloader hunt we for sure can’t be friends though.
Ok, I’ve cooled my jets on hating Subarus for the moment because I seen someone started a thread about the World Cup, apparently some kind of soccer tournament. I think I hate soccer more than Subaru’s. If you drive a Subaru, listen to soccer, on the way to muzzleloader hunt we for sure can’t be friends though.

I think we also agree that Iowa sucks
I got up about 4am like I usually do, the wife woke up about 5:30 so we were drinking coffee. My good truck is apparently gonna be a problem forever so her being a smart ass said “well have you looked at Subarus? Great mileage and AWD”

My response “I’ll drive a pink bicycle with a dildo for a seat before I drive a Subaru”

She was aghast at my response to say the least. She said “ who the **** even thinks of what you just said”

Someone who’s seen Subaru drivers honey, that’s who.
I got up about 4am like I usually do, the wife woke up about 5:30 so we were drinking coffee. My good truck is apparently gonna be a problem forever so her being a smart ass said “well have you looked at Subarus? Great mileage and AWD”

My response “I’ll drive a pink bicycle with a dildo for a seat before I drive a Subaru”

She was aghast at my response to say the least. She said “ who the **** even thinks of what you just said”

Someone who’s seen Subaru drivers honey, that’s who.
Don’t bash it until you try it. I can attest that my 2020 Forester can go a lot of places my 3/4 ton diesel cannot, and I can get to just about anywhere a typical 4x4 side by side can go. The right tires and gear make a huge difference. I got to find out this year due to crazy diesel prices, and that truck had to stay home for my Utah fish and CO hunt. I flat out abused that little fake SUV, and it took it. Do I feel odd at the dealership hanging out with their other clients? Yes. Do I know my car is gay? Yes. But it can also certainly get me into harsh places at a deep discount, and get me out. It had just enough room for me and gear for a 3 week trip. I will take it over a little SxS or brpp brpp any day of the week now that I know it can handle some pretty harsh, wet and snowy trails. Some of the stuff I dealt with was VERY questionable, VERY. But I never felt the need to chain up, and I do carry cables. The light weight and M&S tires ended up floating over everything pretty easy. It is not exactly convenient to stuff a deer into, but it’s doable.
Don’t bash it until you try it. I can attest that my 2020 Forester can go a lot of places my 3/4 ton diesel cannot, and I can get to just about anywhere a typical 4x4 side by side can go. The right tires and gear make a huge difference. I got to find out this year due to crazy diesel prices, and that truck had to stay home for my Utah fish and CO hunt. I flat out abused that little fake SUV, and it took it. Do I feel odd at the dealership hanging out with their other clients? Yes. Do I know my car is gay? Yes. But it can also certainly get me into harsh places at a deep discount, and get me out. It had just enough room for me and gear for a 3 week trip. I will take it over a little SxS or brpp brpp any day of the week now that I know it can handle some pretty harsh, wet and snowy trails. Some of the stuff I dealt with was VERY questionable, VERY. But I never felt the need to chain up, and I do carry cables. The light weight and M&S tires ended up floating over everything pretty easy. It is not exactly convenient to stuff a deer into, but it’s doable.
C’mon bigJay. Bash on my little gay car. Lol

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