Should I buy a .338?

I think a big part of this decision should be a consideration regarding what sacrifices you have made to The Hunting Gods, and whether or not they will spite you soon.

If you buy this gun:

-You'll start hunting on horseback
-You'll draw a moose tag
-You'll stain granite with the blood of a nice 6 point bull (see Buzz's post above) on a clear morning

If you don't:

-That griz is gonna charge you and all you'll have is that 20 gauge benelli in your paws
I think a big part of this decision should be a consideration regarding what sacrifices you have made to The Hunting Gods, and whether or not they will spite you soon.

If you buy this gun:

-You'll start hunting on horseback
-You'll draw a moose tag
-You'll stain granite with the blood of a nice 6 point bull (see Buzz's post above) on a clear morning

If you don't:

-That griz is gonna charge you and all you'll have is that 20 gauge benelli in your paws
I've posted these pictures before.

Tried to thread the needle on an elk one day while packing my .338. Turns out I didn't need to worry about it.



Went right through the frozen lodgepole the elk was standing behind, through one shoulder on the elk and exited the front of the off side shoulder. 250 grain partition at 125 yards or so.

My grandpa nearly pulled this off with his 300 h&h when we were hunting some thick stuff. Except the tree he shot was more like 16" thick, and it slowed down the bullet too much. Got muscle blood, but didn't make it to the good stuff.
I think a big part of this decision should be a consideration regarding what sacrifices you have made to The Hunting Gods, and whether or not they will spite you soon.

If you buy this gun:

-You'll start hunting on horseback
-You'll draw a moose tag
-You'll stain granite with the blood of a nice 6 point bull (see Buzz's post above) on a clear morning

If you don't:

-That griz is gonna charge you and all you'll have is that 20 gauge benelli in your paws
Yesterday I wished I had a suppressor and a B tag so I could have killed the cow that snitched on me and cost me a chance at the best bull I’ve ever had in my scope, but I like the way you think…
I’ve got a couple of my late fathers model 70’s, one in 338 win and one in 375 h&h. I’d rather shoot the 375, it’s more of a push than a punch, but that’s just me. I haven’t carried the 338 in 9 years. That didn’t help your decision at all, but I feel obligated to share a story.
I’ve got a couple of my late fathers model 70’s, one in 338 win and one in 375 h&h. I’d rather shoot the 375, it’s more of a push than a punch, but that’s just me. I haven’t carried the 338 in 9 years. That didn’t help your decision at all, but I feel obligated to share a story.

This is precisely why he should buy that .338. In 40 years, some unsuspecting SOB who inherits that rifle will get to the experience the soul-freeing joy & immense pleasure of shooting that 338. So will your ghost.
Dunno about 338 (assume Win mag version of that caliber) since I have such a low round count with it but a well stocked 375 H&H is surprisingly pleasant to shoot.
Grew up required to use 12ga slugs for deer (20 gauge slugs hadn't gotten half as good as they are now) and as a result of that massive flinch and some TBI brain injuries ive become quite recoil adverse in my later half of adult years.

Despite that I haven't found the 375H&H to be difficult or hard to shoot.
My (limited) experience has taught me that mags in 338 should be either very heavy, heavily braked (hate brakes!), and/or wearing a suppressor.
But under those circumstances even the hottest 338 round isn't horrid to shoot.
Especially for a guy who is used to 3.5" 12 ga turkey loads.
I say Amen Brother. I also absolutely hate brakes. Putting a brake on a .338 win mag, or any caliber for that matter is insane. You have more to worry about from getting a flinch from the sound than any recoil whatsoever. Sit next to somebody at the range shooting any braked rifle and ENJOY THE HOT GASSES BLOWING YOU OVER. These young guys at the range are so inconsiderate. Ive seen 5.56's at the range with a friiggen brake. Puhlease. Are you that much of a pussy? And ya don't hunt with earplugs or any type of muff. No electronics in the world will pick up the subtle sounds in the woods. And these damn manufacturers don't give 2 shits about your hearing. Even when I have muffs on at the range, these brakes are so loud that I'd have to have plugs on with the muffs. Have some consideration for your fellow man at the range. Raise your self awareness!!
This thread makes me want to buy a Model 70 Stainless in 338, put a suppressor on it to look at in my gun cabinet. I’ll still choose my lighter mountain rifles to carry.
I say Amen Brother. I also absolutely hate brakes. Putting a brake on a .338 win mag, or any caliber for that matter is insane. You have more to worry about from getting a flinch from the sound than any recoil whatsoever. Sit next to somebody at the range shooting any braked rifle and ENJOY THE HOT GASSES BLOWING YOU OVER. These young guys at the range are so inconsiderate. Ive seen 5.56's at the range with a friiggen brake. Puhlease. Are you that much of a pussy? And ya don't hunt with earplugs or any type of muff. No electronics in the world will pick up the subtle sounds in the woods. And these damn manufacturers don't give 2 shits about your hearing. Even when I have muffs on at the range, these brakes are so loud that I'd have to have plugs on with the muffs. Have some consideration for your fellow man at the range. Raise your self awareness!!
This is funny, I just experienced this 2 weeks ago. Was at the range and ended up next to a bunch of young bucks shooting a small caliber gun that had a brake on it. That god damn thing was so loud. I think my spine FELT the noise every time they pulled the trigger.
This is funny, I just experienced this 2 weeks ago. Was at the range and ended up next to a bunch of young bucks shooting a small caliber gun that had a brake on it. That god damn thing was so loud. I think my spine FELT the noise every time they pulled the trigger.
That's what I'm talking about. They are oblivious to what they are doing to the other shooters. And this a-holes don't sit next to the table and have the muzzle pointed out past the roof, NO they gotta bring it well under the roof so the sound is even louder. Ive done a ton of shooting and was captain of the rifle team at college. If you're worried about the recoil, you ain't concentrating on the target. It's the muzzle blast! It really posies me off (if ya can't tell). Total lack of self-awareness.

These are not experienced shooters. These are rookies. I would NEVER buy a rifle with a brake. It also changes the harmonics (and accuracy) of the rifle. Some of these short barrel rifles do 6-8" groups at a measly 100 yards. That's pathetic.
That's what I'm talking about. They are oblivious to what they are doing to the other shooters. And this a-holes don't sit next to the table and have the muzzle pointed out past the roof, NO they gotta bring it well under the roof so the sound is even louder. Ive done a ton of shooting and was captain of the rifle team at college. If you're worried about the recoil, you ain't concentrating on the target. It's the muzzle blast! It really posies me off (if ya can't tell). Total lack of self-awareness.

These are not experienced shooters. These are rookies. I would NEVER buy a rifle with a brake. It also changes the harmonics (and accuracy) of the rifle. Some of these short barrel rifles do 6-8" groups at a measly 100 yards. That's pathetic.

Just double up your earpro and stop being a pussy.

ETA: OP if you want it, buy it. Or get a sweet .223 with a brake you can shoot the piss out of whist bathing in boomer tears.
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It's crazy. I thought I was a pretty experienced shooter. But my 338 has a brake, so I'm clearly oblivious to the world. I've never had to or felt the need to double up my ear pro... Are yall the guys at the range with foam ear plugs in 1/4 of an inch? Therefore doing absolutely nothing to stop the sound?

What would I know anyway. I'm wasn't the captain of the rifle team in college so I'm a clueless measly pesant.

The guys that say a brake changes harmonics are right (but these are also the guys preaching this while they shoot out of a lead sled which changes a lot more than a brake does.) It doesn't matter if I never take it off. I can shoot sub .75moa at 100 yards all day long. Suppressors also change harmonics, but you're not upset about those?

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