Caribou Gear Tarp

Shit flows downhill


New member
Jul 10, 2001
Northern Colorado
I think some of you have forgotten where you are. This is a privately owned and member supported web-site. We are all guests here. It is very embarrassing for me to see friends who I have invited here be insulted, and other people being disrespectful in Moosie's place. I have begun to clean up the mess with my delete button and I have begun sending out warnings to folks who seem to have forgotton how to post anything constructive in the varmint forum. If anyone has a problem with a post, please email or private message me. It is very embarrassing when you go over my head and complain to the board owner or another administrator without first contacting me. Me and Slydog run the show in the varmint forum. When the administrators post here it is as a member of huntalk. This shit of whining everytime Del posts his personal opinion is very childish. Del is expressing his opinion, not the opinion of Huntalk or the moderators here. Now can we please get back to talking about coyote hunting? Thanks,
YAH, What he said !!!

Doug.. I think you left a few Posts out... I think I responded to them though... Seems liek the fight posts always draws in the crouds... Sorry, My bad
Doug, I don't believe I whined about Del's posts but did take offense at one of them that was disparaging and humiliating to the new guys of whom I am one. An administrator is a representative of the board and should reflect the values, standards and philosophy of the board. Anytime DelW posts with the title Administrator under his name he is posting under color of authority. If he wishes to post as one of the good ole boys and take pot shots at whomever he really should remove the title first. I wouldn't have given his post a second thought if it weren't for Administrator under his name.
Plus he made his post a sticky in the beginning.Anyhow,that had a lot to do with the resultant brouhaha.I am over it,and I hope everybody else is...except for Moosie,it's always good if he's suffering
Seldom.. YAH, I give a chit about what you or anyone thinks, I might not even be able to sleep tonight

Rich, Delw is like me, sarcastic 99% of the time. He did bring up some good points, and maybe crossed the line on a few others. But to weight much weight on what he says isn't a smart thing to do,
.. , I think people have the Wrong imression about what an Admin is. I get Emails all the time askin' me about Gun Calibers, Just cuz I know hunting and "OWN" a web site, don't mean I know anything 'bout guns. Funny if ya think about it actually eh ? Hope that made sence.

Sorry that you got offended. (That's the 1% talking right there)
Moose man,watch your e-mail,just took close ups of my coyote mount,hope the pics bite ya
Moosie, cool post. I've been doing some reading and understand the relaxed attitudes on this board now. Delw made considerable effort to smooth ruffled feathers, that's cool too.
As an admin, I would have to sign in under a different name to get rid of the title. The board recognizes a user name and a status is assigned - member, moderator, admin, etc. When I am posting a "non-admin" response in a topic, no weight at all should be given to it, as I know nothing. Those who have been around a while will affirm that.

In no way will I ever forget I don't own this toy... I try to remind others we don't.

I haven't got access to my e-mail right now, it's jammed up by a huge sound file I don't want to throw away until I can get home and save it...
I hope I am not on the list of e-mails.

I know all too well from being tied into the other end of a rope with a site admin a time or two, that these are just ordinary dudes... and if you read much of what Del or Moosie have written you know they are kidders and pot stirrers (both freely admit that).
That's what I was when I got invited here, when I was on the verge of being banned from one of what Del called sissy site.

Part of me wonders if you regret inviting me as often as I regret taking you up on it... but I am who I am. I will leave when I am asked or when I don't like it here anymore.

Right now I still like coming in here, and I hope this "silly season" stuff doesn't make it so anyone else doesn't like it either.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Funny if ya think about it actually eh ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


This irony is my life, dude... I know exactly what you mean!

So how many feet per second does a .22mag go?

Dude your call is going to have to be made of Hollywood! You are quite the showman!

Thanks for the fun!

I'd prefer chit stirrer under yours Del

As a member of HuntTalk.
I believe that certain people have gotten their panties in a wad over nothing. Cant see the forest for the trees it seems.

I never post anything constuctive or informative and dont plan on starting now.
Ditto Nut

Life is too short for all this serious crap

This is how this Forum is listed...VARMINT
Coyote, Bobcats, Ground Squirrels,Jokesters Ect.
I'm with nut on this one...LMAO!!!
It looks like fire season has me missing some of the good soap stuff that pops up on the board on occasion...
Hey, what list? I didn't see any list.. I wanna be on a list.. where's the freaking list?? WON'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THE LIST?!?!