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Shiras moose caliber

For my upcoming moose hunt I keep going back and forth between my following options:
- 300wsm with 180gr Norma Bondstrike
- 300wsm with 166gr Hammer Hunter
- 280AI with 143gr Hammer Hunter

I am leaning towards the Ackley. What do you all think?
I have shot moose with lots of rifles but i will always go back to the good old 338 win mag. if you dont like recoil stick with the 25 06 but get good quality ammo
90% of all my moose hunting is with 338 Win Mag and 225gr Swift A frame handloads. Here the 300 Win and 338 Win rule.
Not sure why this took off again a year later but okay. Never even saw a bull in the unit, F&G cut the tags in half this year. Still a fun hunt despite losing a week to a broken down truck. I wish the best of luck to those that follow with their hunts.