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Shipment came in


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Our critters finally came in from Africa. I have to give props to Safari Taxidery in South Africa, they did a great job on the mounts. The gal from Fish and Wildlife said they were the best she'd ever seen. The only thing they hosed up was the skull on my eland. The nose bones were 'boiled' out, and apparenly lost, the replacmets are a little small. I think I'm about the only one who will ever know. Makes me want to go back. I still have a few mounts floating around out there from 2007 that the taxi is supposly going to finish up in a couple weeks. I have a feeling I might have to get the law involved, but we'll see. Friggn taxiermists are worst than used car salesmen. The duiker, warhog skulls and eland are mine, the mounts are my buddies.

Never mind the trim on the door... my dog is a journyman carpenter. She has a lot to learn.





Have your dog build you some higher ceilings....

Very nice on the mounts, they look great in the pictures. I think there is a lot to be said for having them done in South Africa from somebody who knows how they should look.
They look good! Makes me want to go too, but all this talk about NZ lately has me leaning that direction for now.
Nice looking group of critters.

They look good! Makes me want to go too, but all this talk about NZ lately has me leaning that direction for now.

Terry, let me know when you have us booked.
They look pretty good.
The mounts look especially good.
love the 'hogs!!! I'm just amazed they showed up AK in one piece :D :D

Great looking mounts!

And those fish hatchery brook trout ain't half bad either ;)
It took about a year and a half from kill to wall. It wasn't difficult at all. The taxidermist took care of the paperwork on his end and got it to the shipper and the shipper took it from there. They emailed me everything I needed. A 2 minute call to Fish and Wildlife and Customs helped me figure out what they needed. I found the form I needed from FW on the internet, filled it out and took it in. I think that was the hardest part, and that took 10 min.

Finished tropies can be imported very easily by anyone. However I recomend you do this only if you live near a port of entry. It took me about an hour and half to clear it all. Which included a trip to USFW, customs, and the warehouse to pick it up.


1. Taxidermy is finished, animals are crated, export documents are secured by them, copies are emailed to me.
2. Shipper picks up crate and aranges shipping to me and ships package
3. I am notified my package has arived, I go to cargo facilitly, pick up copy of waybill, pay handleing fee of $50
4. Take 4 copies of import form and waybill to USFW, they inspect crate, stamp documents pay small fee of $35
5. Take stamped documents to customs, they stamp and charge $9
6. Take stamped documents back to shipper, pick up crate.
Nice! Thanks for sharing! Hellva Limpopo Bush Buck!
I have always used African taxidermy but not without inspecting their shop! All of my animals are well done and saved me tons of money even considering the extra cost of air freight for finished work rather than just hides and horns shipped to your import approved taxidermist.
I live far enuff from a POE that I use Coppersmiths to handle all the paperwork you listed. Costs a cuppla bucks more but I go pick them up at my liesure.
BTW, I have used Marakalalo Trophies in Bloemfontein, RSA for the last several years. Small shop and Kruger personally oversees and finishes everything himself. He's a hunter, outfitter, PH and taxidermist. Check him out if you wish. Email [email protected]
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