Yeti GOBOX Collection

Sheep Dreaming/Inspiration


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
Because there is a light at the end of the tunnel... the preference points tunnel that is. Damned expensive tunnel, but oh well.
It's the best time of year after all as this year there will be no refunds, just a steady stream of tags pouring in from places you even forgot you applied to.

A few years ago it was a payday for me in the WY sheep game. I went on two distinct hunts with some elk hunting and scuba/spearfishing interrupting. Here are some pictures, I've had a ton of great hunts in fantastic country but this stuff was some of the best ever. I headed in with 4 llamas and a pack dog, damn near had to leave my weakest llama for the wolves, the country was just too much for him, I've learned to hate big llamas- no heart. Anyway here are some pretty pictures enjoy!

Thanks for sharing the great pictures! What a beautiful goat rug, I'm not sure I've ever seen one before, not to mention your trophy room. That gets at least two thumbs up!
Thanks for sharing! Man, that whitetail in the lower left corner of your trophy room pic is a monster! How wide is he?
Heck of a Ram you took in some spectacular country!
That is heck of a trophy you got there!
I hate you!:D
Jealousy is a more accurate word to use!
Awesome photos of the beautiful scenery, ram, and trophy room!