When do you guys start looking for paddles? We have 2 feet of snow In the yard and who knows how much in the mountains. Is it worth it to go look now for fresh paddles or better to wait until looking for deer sheds?
Depends on the moose. A good friend of mine has already picked up a big set, but he is also watching several other bulls that are carrying both paddles still. I typically don't get out for moose sheds until February or March depending on snow conditions.
Pokem those are some damn good paddles. Carnage I thought most bulls shed by new years. We found a few last year going after deer sheds but I thought they generally shed early.
I found a fresh shed the 27th of November this year when my daughter and I were hunting moose in her unit. At least 2 Bulls we saw were already missing one side.
I think quite a few of the bigger bulls shed early, but I've seen them carry into late February. I'm in southwest Montana so things may be different in other areas.