Yeti GOBOX Collection

Shed season?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2010
NW Montana
When does she’d season start? Never been home early enough to put much effort in hunting sheds. This will be a great way to get out to train my lab. Thanks for the help. MTG
In UT, moose she’d late Dec early Jan. Mule deer have been dropping since about first of March and elk started to drop within the past couple of weeks. Nows the time to be out there looking. In UT, you need to do a quick online training and get an electronic certificate to shed hunt before April 15, and there’s no shed hunting at all allowed in Wildlife Management Areas before April 15. These restrictions are designed to mitigate pressure on the animals if they’ve been weakened by a hard winter.
She told me she'd go shed hunting today but it's raining to hard. She'd prefer a sunny day for shed hunting because she'd like to work on her tan at the same time and she'd rather not get wet. She'd have gone yesterday while it was sunny but she had to work. She'd really like it if she didn't have to work on sunny days during shed season.
She told me she'd go shed hunting today but it's raining too hard. She'd prefer a sunny day for shed hunting because she'd like to work on her tan at the same time and she'd rather not get wet. She'd have gone yesterday while it was sunny but she had to work. She'd really like it if she didn't have to work on sunny days during shed season.

Fixed it for you.
Hmmm, meant shed season. Not she’d season. All done with hunting she’s. Thanks for the input. MTG
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