Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Shameless request for support


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
You guys know I'm not much for lovey-dovey stuff and I don't generally ask for assistance with problems. Well, someone I know has REAL problems and now I'm asking for help from those who wish to. It's not a one-way request; you will get something out of it in return.

In short, a guy by the name of Steve Terry (has logged in here as StereO) has terminal cancer and has little time left. His wife has recently been diagnosed with severe cardiovascular problems and may not live too long, either. Worse yet, their recent hospitalizations have left them absolutely destitute (that means broke) and in very dire straits. You can read the whole story at the link below.

Anyway, HHH is hosting a benefit auction on their BB at http://www.hhh-usa.org/forums/index.php?showforum=12 . These are private individuals who have donated items for private sale to the winning bidder. There's lots of cool stuff being auctioned, including Leupold scopes, various hunts, etc., etc. If there's anything you see that you'd like to bid on, please do so. Just follow the directions on the page (agree to the rules, send an email of contact info, bid away!).

Finally, Phil Foreman (PawClaws) is involved in this because he is a friend of Steve Terry's. I know that many here don't get along with Phil and I appreciate that, but I hope you can put it aside for the time being. The same goes for anyone who might dislike HHH, me, or whoever else for one reason or another. This is for Steve Terry and no one else.

My thanks and all the gooey stuff that is generally appropriate in a request like this applies. ;)
I have to agree with you and I do hope that things can be done for both Terry and his wife. I understand how hard it is to ask for help on something like this. If there is a way that can be done to help them I certainly hope someone makes those suggestions. Its nice to see that people still care about one another.
I'm very sorry to hear of these peoples plight, I hope this is a big help to them...
Only about four days left in the Auction and still some steals for gear, hunts and the horse. Can't believe that $1000 philly (horse) is only going to go for $200. A guy could almost sell it for glue and get that back.

http://www.hhh-usa.org/ Click on Steve’s picture and scroll down to the links.

Steve has terminal cancer, and his wife Deb is in need of heart surgery. This is a hunter in need, one that with both he and his wife out of work, needs our help to pay medical expenses. All the items were donated by other hunters, and 100% of the auction proceeds go to the Terry’s to help with medical expenses.

Please check it out and if there's something you'd like to add to your hunting closet remember the $$$ you spend will be helping a fellow hunter on his last leg.

i tell u if i were employed i help as much as i can i just housewife trying get one so hard these days home job wont even work sad society anyway i hope they do well wish god could give all same miracles anyway i wish i could be of more help i might of chated with him use be name stereo in another chat truck driver anyway i seen where u said if u help u get soemthin i wouldnt want anything it life it not be gettin prize for what i am all about i know u didnt mean it in that way i always just add things prob shouldnt i just say to good if ur gonnna make someone rich let be me i promise i give money to all never want nothin hasnt happen yet :(
Good point Quiet One

If anyone does not wish to bid in the auction but desires to make a contribution to the Terry's, there is a post pinned to the top of the page for donations. Or email Richard Worton at [email protected] with the words "Terry Donation" in the Subject line. He will email you back with instructions for sending the donation. Some have sent as little as $5, but it all helps when your down an out.


On behalf of IHLA, I will extend our current DISH Network and DirecTV offers to anyone who activates new service. $25 donation to Steve Terry Family for all new activations that use the links below. To participate, activate new service using one of the links below. After you have ordered and had your service installed, e-mail us at [email protected] and include your name, address, phone and date of install. Once we confirm the activation, we will send an IHLA check on your behalf out for Steve Terry and his family.

The Links:

DISH Network - http://www.jdoqocy.com/rr112wktqks79BHDD8C798BEDB9H

DirecTV - http://www.kqzyfj.com/t982cy63y5LNPVRRMQLNMPTNONN

IMPORTANT: You must e-mail us and use the links to place your order. Checks will be sent out on or about the 21st of the month following your activation. If you do not get a reply to your e-mail due to the crazy nature of the internet, you may also send an e-mail to me personally at [email protected] and put Steve Terry Donation in the subject line. Include all or the requested information mentioned above and we will see that the donation is sent.

I wish we could do more. We wish Steve and his family the best and include them in our prayers.
I see the auction is over and I hope it did alot for them. I do have one question, if someone wanted to donate a few dollars how would they do it?

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