SFW in Bozeman

Proposing to give away thousands of acres of public land must be ok then?

I do not think that is okay either. But, that isn't a done deal either. Nor have I made my decision on who to vote for. I was pretty dead set against Tester, but I am not so sure any more. Rehberg is no saint. Both seem to be running horrible campaigns. I think all politicians anymore are so two faced it isn't even funny. It is just a matter of trying to find the one who will use vasaline with the screwing!
Rehberg is a bum and not worth a vote. Tester will probably get my vote if he pulls the plug on that land swap. I would have to hold my nose to vote for a D, but he would be more deserving of my vote than Rehberg. It's quite possible that neither will get my vote and I will write in Daffy Duck or Porky Pig, they can at least make people laugh once in a while and don't intentionally screw people over for political gains.
Here's the email I received from the store manager today.

Hello Mr. Duncan,

I wanted to touch bases with you and thank you for your concern over Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. I am gathering info on this group to get a better understanding on their interests and beliefs. I have taken the Poster down because it was not approved and posted by us. If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you,

Doug Mason
Store Manager
Wholesale Sports #144
Rehberg is a bum and not worth a vote. Tester will probably get my vote if he pulls the plug on that land swap. I would have to hold my nose to vote for a D, but he would be more deserving of my vote than Rehberg. It's quite possible that neither will get my vote and I will write in Daffy Duck or Porky Pig, they can at least make people laugh once in a while and don't intentionally screw people over for political gains.

Really close to the way I feel Rat Fink! At this point neither really deserves it at all.
Here's the email I received from the store manager today.

Hello Mr. Duncan,

I wanted to touch bases with you and thank you for your concern over Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. I am gathering info on this group to get a better understanding on their interests and beliefs. I have taken the Poster down because it was not approved and posted by us. If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you,

Doug Mason
Store Manager
Wholesale Sports #144

Mr. Duncan(he he) where did you find the email address so I can send one to the Helena store?

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