SF088 Contact House TRW


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Now is the time to contact the House TRW on making the switch from preference points for sheep and moose in Wyoming to a squared bonus point system.

Whether opposed, support, or something in between, now is the time to contact them.

I don't like switching point systems this deep into the current system (28 years I think).

What I proposed to the TRW is the following:

Amend the bill to split tags 50-50, with 50% of the tags staying under the current preference point system. The remaining 50% in a squared bonus point system.

This makes tag splits easier, improves draw odds for those in the random side (squared bonus), and also keeps those that have been applying the longest from getting the shaft.

Perfect? No. But the best I can come up with that has the best chance of passing and still not completely trashing the top point holders.

A compromise that has a chance of happening.

Regardless, now's the time to comment...

This email address goes to the entire committee:

[email protected]

Fire away with your thoughts, this has no impact on me one way or the other, I'm lifed out of both moose and sheep (thankfully).
Split the baby...
Real Sophies' Choice moment here.

Burn the points this year and support 50-50 PP/BP might be the most reasonable answer.

I know it wasn't your intention with your proposed compromise but kind of starting to like the thought of making applicant pick which draw to use their points in, PP or BP?
I like the idea Buzz. At the meeting in Cody regarding this last month they said applicants would have four years to burn their points. Based on the amount of point holders with more than 18 points, they could draw a tag with their preference points. The guys in the 10-18 point range (this guy) would be really who gets the shaft.

I think the 50-50 split still makes point creep worse but I suppose their is some equity for those long time point holders.
Why not go 50 percent preference and 50 percent true random? Might be a bad idea I don't know.
Why not go 50 percent preference and 50 percent true random? Might be a bad idea I don't know.
I would like that the best, but you have to get around the Wildlife Task Force recommendation of a squared bonus point system.

Trust me, I tried to get that through the task force, but Joe Shaffer wasn't having it...he was only willing to support his agenda of a squared bonus point system. From what I've been told, which was blatantly obvious anyway, there was a lot of quid pro quo going on with that task force.
100% squared bonus points. Top point holders still are way ahead of everyone else the odds. And people newly getting in the game are not mathematically locked out.
Thanks Buzz.

Personally, I'm finding it difficult to stay in the moose game (never got into sheep). With the recent tag cut to 10% for non-residents, the only way I can see it worth staying in the game is for 100% bonus points. If there is a 50/50 split, there just aren't enough tags to make it worth it for a NR to be in the game unless you're already at the top. I have a lot of years worth of points, but even at 100% bonus points it seems questionable to stay in at $150 per year (plus other fees when applying).

Ultimately, I think the Wyoming residents need to be accommodated here, so they should voice their opinion. As a non-resident, I will just have to weigh the potential benefits vs. cost with however the rules are set.
100% squared bonus points or 50% preference point/50% unsquared bonus points. NR should run if it ends up 50/50 with squared bonus points and 90/10.
I'm not strongly in favor of this, but do prefer it slightly over the status quo. With the full random pool going away under squared bonus, it's more of a card shuffling than substantive change in my opinion. I did like the initial proposal from like a year ago of 50% full random, 50% pp, but that ship seemed to sail pretty quickly at the time.
The 50% random, 50% preference pool seems okay for current high point holders. It would effectively double point creep though. Maybe it's a good way to stop the preference points system though as after another decade anyone starting in on points would be aged out of the process by never being able to catch the point creep.
I really prefer burning the entire system down and going back to 100% random. But that is not going to Halle . So I fully support the closest thing to random and that is a 100% bonus point system. I get why others want the 50/50, but I am fine with 100% random
And hope it goes through as such.
And find a way to come up with several million dollars...
It can take some adjusting to when a house of cards collapses, I agree.

Luckily for those embedded budgets, when looking across states, there are probably dozens of other ways to collect fees (cc fee, convenience fee, app fee, qualifying licences, habitat stamps, conservation stamps, search & rescue stamps, atv fees, point lock, other species tag fees, other preference/bonus point fees, special draw fees, secondary drawing fees, hunter ed fees, licence printing fees, Q/HD fees, general tag bonus point fees, state waterfowl stamps, small game fees, fishing licences, trout stamps, HIP fees, special access fees, supertags, raffles, etc, etc).

so where there’s a will there’s a way