Serious weed help needed.

Plantain is a problem in compacted soils and after short mowings. Mow a little longer, aerate your grass.
Edit to add: after you aerate it this fall, overseed it.
This is hay field. Cut two times a year. mtmuley
Reach out to your county cooperative extension office and they will help advise you (you can look up the Montana State, Penn State, Iowa State, CSU and other extension office websites to assist you). I use 2-4D since it is pretty easy to kill when you stay after it.

RM43 Glyphosate concentrate. I use it on my lease with poison ivy and other highly aggressive weeds. I also use it around the house for weed control.

Takes about 2 weeks but it absolutely does the job. Spray and walk away.
One thing to consider, that many people don’t understand, is the difference between kill and control. 24D doesn’t control many weeds. It’s an acid used as a burn down for most weeds and “kills” most broadleaves. It’s fairly ineffective for control of most weeds. Kill=disappear for that year. Control=longterm.
I would look at something with some residual. If this is just grass hay and no alfalfa i would recommend HighNoon. Also, very good for a wide range of other broad leaves. Do not use glyphosate, yes itll kill the plantain but will kill everything else. Your county should have a weed specialist. I am our local weed officer. I do not have much experience in plantain control but a few people i asked recommended Highnoon if it is grass only.
Some good info in the pdf..
As Carnage said, there is a difference in control and kill. Often the use of herbicide is something you need to stay up with annually or even semi-annually to stay on top.


  • Buckhorn-Plantain.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 16
Buckhorn Plantain is a cool season weed so it is best controlled during cooler seasons, recommended application times are fall and spring. Since you’re selling hay that rules out using Highnoon herbicide. You will need a persistent spray program for a couple of years, twice yearly. It is also very likely you will never eliminate plantain, just supress it. 2,4-D ester formulations with a tank mix of dicamba twice a year for two years tamed my plantain problems but it is still present. The rate of 2,4-D ester recommended is very high, 3-4 pints/A. Ester formulations are more effective for weed control but also have a greater risk of volatility drift which makes it more important to apply when temperatures are low which matches spring and fall applications. The addition of Dicamba will also be important. Persistence is key, you won’t kill it with one application. If plantain has been allowed to seed you’ll have a longer term spray program since the seeds are persistent for your lifetime. Having a healthy stand of grass is also very important, competition with weeds is as or more important than a spray program. Grass pastures do need renovation periodically both from a yield and weed control point of view.
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I don’t know about that big of a field, but on my lawn Dimension pre-emergent herbicide works well.

You put it down in early spring before the broadleaf weeds sprout. Doesn’t kill the lawn, just prevents weeds from coming up.

I don’t know about that big of a field, but on my lawn Dimension pre-emergent herbicide works well.

You put it down in early spring before the broadleaf weeds sprout. Doesn’t kill the lawn, just prevents weeds from coming up.

Dimension is an annual grass pre emergent product.

  • Preemergence: Isoxaben, Mesotrione
  • Post Emergence: 2,4-D, Bispyribac Sodium, Chlorsulfuron, Clopyralid, Dicamba, Fluroxypyr, Mecoprop-p, Mesotrione, Sulfentrazone, Triclopyr
The above are labeled in lawns

If you have clover or alfalfa in the pasture these products will kill or hurt all but grass. I know Clopyralid is not labeled for use on hay pastures
Buckhorn Plantain is a cool season weed so it is best controlled during cooler seasons, recommended application times are fall and spring. Since you’re selling hay that rules out using Highnoon herbicide. You will need a persistent spray program for a couple of years, twice yearly. It is also very likely you will never eliminate plantain, just supress it. 2,4-D ester formulations with a tank mix of dicamba twice a year for two years tamed my plantain problems but it is still present. The rate of 2,4-D ester recommended is very high, 3-4 pints/A. Ester formulations are more effective for weed control but also have a greater risk of volatility drift which makes it more important to apply when temperatures are low which matches spring and fall applications. The addition of Dicamba will also be important. Persistence is key, you won’t kill it with one application. If plantain has been allowed to seed you’ll have a longer term spray program since the seeds are persistent for your lifetime. Having a healthy stand of grass is also very important, competition with weeds is as or more important than a spray program. Grass pastures do need renovation periodically both from a yield and weed control point of view.

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