Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Seeking your input for this enterprise

The first set of surveys is not designed to give a precise answer from every single person. It is to set data points we can use to confirm or question our existing data points.

Example: One of the questions is non-precise by design - "Q: Which do you prefer to hunt? A: Big Game, Waterfowl, Upland Birds, etc..."

Some might think that doesn't tell us much. Here is what it will tell us.

We are sitting on tons of emails, PMs, and other comments requesting more waterfowl or predators. Is that just a small vocal sample that is disproportionate, given the big game audience is not inclined to write us and say "Keep doing more big game." They are satisfied with what we are producing and how much of it, so we will likely not hear from those who like our big game content.

This question is going to tell us if we have a blind spot in our content and if their is demand/opportunity for refocusing to expand on the waterfowl or predator content. By setting up the question this way, we will see if my gut instinct that 95% of our audience is big game and if we were to lessen that and increase waterfowl, we would lose some of them. Or maybe my gut is wrong and we are missing a big opportunity.

Point being, the survey company we hired helped us design every question with a purpose. And, we know full well that the answer options we provided may not fit in to the exact opinion of each person answering.

EDIT: To the example I used above, of the 10,000+ who replied in the first 36 hours, 119 asked us to expand into waterfowl, 101 asked that we expand to more small game, and 91 asked for expansion to predators. Looks like my gut was correct to a degree even higher than I expected. To those 9,000+ selecting big game, 822 selected whitetail, 802 selected mule deer, 190 selected antelope, and 123 selected black bear. The rest selected elk. That confirms what we see when we post content. Our worst elk episodes will get 2x the amount of views as our best deer/antelope/bear episodes.

EDIT (2): With over 10,000+ responses, the survey company says we are at a 98% confidence level that these results are accurate. We just launched the survey on FB and IG, so I suspect we will have double the responses by the time to get ready to do the follow up surveys in a couple weeks.

EDIT (3): From this, I am sitting on over 200,000+ data points, all categorized to give us insight to what our audience thinks about content, distribution, advertising models, etc. I would never post these results publicly, as they would be invaluable to those looking to follow our path. And, if competitors want this information, they can pay a large sum to their own survey company to acquire such. If the process ended now, I would feel that your input provided to us has been worth the cost required to do this. But, we want to go into more detail about how to provide the most desired content, at the lowest viewing disruption to you, across the most preferred consumption platforms, with the desired frequency, and do all of that in a manner that allows us to recoup our costs and start to recapture some of the huge amounts that have been invested in these platforms over the prior twelve years.

Thanks for providing such valuable insight. Even with twelve years of doing this and trying to be as accessible as time allows, there are plenty of nuggets that I would have never been able to get otherwise. Thank you.
In regards to monetization to keep the platform afloat, there’s one thing I see you doing that no one else seems to be doing in regards to sponsors: you have authentic endorsements of the companies and their products. Everyone else seems to just find a product line that they can tolerate to get paid, even if it’s nothing special. The result is the viewers largely ignore the marketing. The bag/truck dump videos have been very helpful to me, and I’ve purchased many products you’ve highlighted, all of which performed as well as advertised. I think it would be awesome to somehow get additional companies you are loyal to on board with sponsorship such as Caribou game bags, Mystery Ranch, Elk and Elk Ecology publisher, Headwaters, Frost River Outfitters, etc. Currently, it seems like they get a whole lot of free promotion!
Nice to see you, stranger. I hope all is well in the Land of Lincoln.
not really. but that would be a political conversation.

thinking about a crossbow hunt for antelope in the next year or two out in wyoming. try one of the walk in areas. shoulders just can not take the bow any more. torn rotator cuffs suck.

and of course, still getting points to bear hunt in your home state.
200,000 to 1 odds on that spotter. Sweet your saying there is still a chance! Lol

@Big Fin congrats on a successful turn out for your survey. You and the crew earned it.

Thanks, but the 200K data points are not 200K entrants. It is the total number of questions responded to by all respondents. It would be great if we had 200K respondents, but that is a bit of a pipe dream. And yeah, I'm saying there's a chance ;).
Folks, we are again doing some serious planning about our content, our platforms, and trying to understand what our audience likes to watch, listen, participate in, and what their hunting and purchasing habits are. In the coming weeks we are going to start some surveys with our email list, our social media channels, and here on Hunt Talk. If you are inclined to take them and give your feedback, we would greatly appreciate it.

Our sponsors have provided us with over $7,000 of prizes to give to folks willing to take these surveys. If you don't want to take them or you don't want to give your email, I completely understand. We guard our lists closely and do not sell, rent, or otherwise do anything with those lists beyond directly communicating with the audience who has opted in to that list.

Lots of changes going on in the outdoor space right now. We spend a lot of time planning what we feel is the best path forward, but we know we can have some blind spots. Our audience has always been the best sounding board of what they value in our content and guiding us to new distribution platforms. It was a survey we did in 2015 that many of you participated in that led us to leave TV, start a podcast, and create content that was more focused on information that helps public land hunters. Given the growth we have seen since then, all organic growth, the insight we got from all of you was critical in plotting our course forward.

It is almost embarrassing to think that we have been five years since the last survey. I intend to do more frequent surveying of our audiences.

Those of you on the email list will likely get the first survey tomorrow. Link on Hunt Talk should be up in the next couple days.

Thanks in advance for any input you are willing to provide.

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Filled it out, thanks for all of the great content over the years! Looking forward to more!
I filled out the survey. One thing I would bring up is regarding streaming options. Youtube is the only way I can watch the videos as Fresh Tracks isn't available on Prime Video in Canada. I don't if there's a way to approach Amazon and have it streamed to Canadians or not.
I filled out the survey. One thing I would bring up is regarding streaming options. Youtube is the only way I can watch the videos as Fresh Tracks isn't available on Prime Video in Canada. I don't if there's a way to approach Amazon and have it streamed to Canadians or not.
Have you tried a vpn with us IP address?
Have you tried a vpn with us IP address?

I actually just finished trying this. The VPN does allow it to work for me so I can watch it on my devices and Cast it to my TV. I do know many people though who would likely watch the show who aren't tech savvy enough or willing enough to set up a VPN.
I actually just finished trying this. The VPN does allow it to work for me so I can watch it on my devices and Cast it to my TV. I do know many people though who would likely watch the show who aren't tech savvy enough or willing enough to set up a VPN.
Glad you figured out a way.

From our side, Amazon only gives four options for countries to distribute content to - US, UK, Germany, and Japan. Small producers like us don't get the full distribution options of larger studios that Amazon proactively licenses.
Glad you figured out a way.

From our side, Amazon only gives four options for countries to distribute content to - US, UK, Germany, and Japan. Small producers like us don't get the full distribution options of larger studios that Amazon proactively licenses.

That makes sense, I didn't know how distribution was set up. Thanks for the info!
@Big Fin - Any chance a latecomer can still access these surveys? I’m not having luck when I hit the survey link (says content not available). Would love to share my ideas even if the swag has been given away. Thank you for your time!