Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Seeking Input

Which cartridges (up to 4) covers the options for people buying their primary hunting rifle?

  • .338 Win

  • .300 Win Mag

  • .308 Win

  • .30-06 Springfield

  • 7mm Rem Mag

  • 7mm-.08

  • .270 Win

  • 6.5 Creedmoor

  • .243 Win

Results are only viewable after voting.
1) .30/06 - Near what the .300 WM is without the recoil
2) 7mm Rem Mag - great flat shooting round, with lots of power
3) .270 Win - flat shooting and plenty of energy
4) .270 Win...or .25/06?!

One of the main reasons I like all of these is that they all have great factory ammunition selection. Good poll, really makes one think. Can't really go wrong with any of the cartridges up there. Excited to see what Big Fin and the folks at HOWA come up with.
1) Only elk hunting - 300 wm or 7mm mag- either is do all elk cartridge
2) Mostly elk, some deer and antelope - 7mm mag
3) Mostly deer, occasional elk- .308 or 30-06
4) Only deer and antelope- 7mm-08

Someone above said for marketing purposes, consider the 6.5 for #4 - not a bad idea...
Big Fin, are they willing to select a different caliber? With the 280AI growing in popularity it could easily compete for a solid #2 or #3 in thier sales behind the Creedmoor. It would also be a do all cartridge. Seeing how the Standard 280 is performing for JLS, I should of gotten that instead of my 7mm Mag. Cheaper to shoot and just as fast.

But for the options listed
1. 7mm Mag
2. 7mm Mag
3. 7mm Mag
4. 6.5 Creedmoor ( it won’t fair so well on this poll, but you just can’t argue with it’s sales figures and ammo availability.
Only Elk: 300win
Mostly elk, deer, and lopes: 30-06
Mostly deer: 30-06
Only deer and lope: 7-08

I have a fondness for the 30-06. I have hunted with a lot calibers but keep coming back to it. It just works. I do like the knock-down of the 300 and the ability of the 7-08 to fit into smaller, lighter-compact rifles and not beat you to death. I could probably hunt the rest of my days with any of the 3. The 7mm mag is probably on par with the 300 when it comes to elk but I don't feel comfortable saying that with my limited experience.
I am a odd antelope guy but deer moose, elk and bear every year. So I go with 300 mag and the 338 win mag
I think #3 and #4 are pretty obvious, but personally, I'd probably choose the same chambering for #1 and #2.

1. 30-06
2. 30-06
3. 7mm-08
4. 6.5cm
I voted for 4, but I think a combination of 7mm mag and .270 is all a man needs. I also voted for 30-06 and 7mm -08, two very nice cartridges, as well.
1. Only elk: 300 Win Mag
2. Mostly elk: 7mm Rem Mag
3. Mostly deer, some elk: 270 Win
4. All deer and antelope: 7mm-08

Hard to leave off the 30-06, especially since that's what I carried my first 20+ years of hunting.
1. 30-06
2. 30-06
3. 6.5 CM
4. 6.5 CM

I prefer less gun and focus more on shot placement. I don't mind working within the limitations of less firepower. I freely admit that I struggle with higher recoil and will flinch (and miss) if I push the limits on this. On 30-06 I exclusively shoot 150 gr for slightly less recoil. I've been on some big game hunts where I've had multiple tags and was able to pull off a double - this was much easier, and more fun, to accomplish with firearms on the lower end of recoil, being able to track shots through the optic.

Still, .243? This low on the spectrum it starts to eat at my confidence afield. No advantage whatsoever over 6.5 CM in my book.
30-06 has plenty of horsepower and versatility to hunt anything mentioned without obnoxious recoil. May be at the top or just over the top of the recoil threshold for a first timer. I don’t think that anyone can go wrong with the old warhorse (I own 3).

.270 Win is a step down from the 30-06 in power and recoil, and is adequate for elk, although probably on the lower end. Muzzle blast and recoil still may be too much for someone of smaller stature or recoil shy. More than enough for deer. (I own 1)

7-08 is probably about the perfect balance for someone who mainly hunts deer but may also hunt elk. It’s plenty adequate (very similar ballistics to .270 Win) for elk if the shooter is patient, but may not have as much room for error on less than perfect shots. Slightly lower recoil than .270, but often in a lighter rifle which negates that full benefit.

6.5 Creedmor is great for the deer/pronghorn hunter, but probably not enough for elk. Widespread ammo and component availability and low recoil with plenty of horsepower for medium game. It’s not a “magical” caliber like the gun writers tout, but a great cartridge for light rifle packages. Contrary to popular belief, I feel that the 120gr bullet is ideal for this cartridge since it should mainly be used for deer, and I won’t take a shot over 300yd anyway.

I will likely buy a 7-08 or 6.5 creedmoor for my next rifle, just because I already have 3-30-06s, a 270, and a 308. The 270 and 308 are setup for my kids (i handload reduces loads for them, and the 270 wears a youth stock), I have no need for a magnum, and mainly hunt deer
270 since I do not own any of the others anymore, I am a 25 caliber fan though
I didn't read the entire post but tried to look at it from your perspective. You want things that sell.

300wm and 6.5 creed no doubt, throw a 270 in there and a tie between 30-06/308...probably 308 due to short action.

I personally have a 300wm and a 7-08, but wouldn't mind letting go of the 300 and getting a 30-06 instead. Hand loaded -06 will compete with modest 300 factory ammo
If I were choosing personally, I would choose 7RM, 7-08, 30/06, and .243 any one would fill all the needs of the 1-4 items in Randy's post.

If I were in the business to sell rifles, I'd probably pick 7 RM, 6.5 creed, .308, and 7-08 based on what's "trendy"...again all would work for any of the 1-4 requirements.

Bullets sure make a difference too, and can make any of those rounds listed much better or much worse choices.
1. 7mm Rem Mag
2. 7mm Rem Mag
3. 7mm Rem Mag
4. 7mm Rem Mag

Big budget/small budget - 7mm Rem Mag

Whitetails, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, bear, bighorn sherp, Texas, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, Alaska, New Zealand, African plains game - 7mm Rem Mag.
This. With light factory rounds like Hornady Custom Lite, you can have a rifle with 7mm-08 ballistics and then use the higher power rounds for larger game. I like using one rifle for everything. It allows me to know my rifle much better than if I were switching to different rifles.
Elk only - 7RM
Elk mostly - 7RM
Deer mostly - 270
Deer & antelope only - 243

I threw in the 30-06 just because its so versatile and could easily replace any of the other three I listed.
If you don’t handload and can only have 1, the choices have to be this, for a thousand reasons.

For elk hunting only, I believe the .300 win mag is what the consumer will want most due to the hype. but I believe the 30-06 will accomplish everything the .300 win mag can do within a reasonable distance. The recoil is the issue between the two.

Mostly Elk I would go with the 7mm mag.

Mostly deer with elk, the good ole .270 is my vote.

Strictly deer and antelope I would go for the 6.5 man bun. Better ballistics in my opinion then the 7mm-08 for deer sized game.

Only picking 4 cartridges is tough. From a business perspective I would definitely produce the .300 win mag and 6.5 creedmoor due to the popularity and history. I would think that the .300 win mag has to be one of the most popular cartridges currently for Western hunting and the 6.5 creedmoor has a strong growing community. Since this is geared towards a person for their first rifle, I would be inclined to think that recoil might be a factor. The good ole .270 and 7mm-08 would be my other two choices. I would also highly recommend the 7mm mag as a fifth choice if the numbers work out.

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