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Section of BLM camping restricted?

So basically the landowner was full of chit? I would keep hassling the blm about this until they call you back. If the landowner has a grazing lease and he is hassling hunters that should be something the field office deals with him on regarding his grazing permit.
Yeah, landowner is full of it. Everyone around here knows who he is and that he's a jerk. Can't imagine BLM hasn't heard about it.
Yeah, landowner is full of it. Everyone around here knows who he is and that he's a jerk. Can't imagine BLM hasn't heard about it.

I would've filled my tag quick and then moved camp back to the original spot...then sit around camp in your underwear drinking lots of beer and listening to loud music for the rest of the trip.
This is unfortunately accurate. A Sheriff once told us to leave an area of Gila National Forest after an outfitter called him. The sheriff said he didn’t want us screwing up the hunt the client had paid $19,000 for on a bull the outfitter had pre scouted. “I’m sure you boys can find some more elk somewhere else” he said.

The OP is being bluffed, but don’t call the locally elected sheriff, call the game warden.
Id tell that sheriff to shove it
Well we hunt in a hunter management area out here you can drive by state land with signs that states no overnight camping and it looks like the KOA camp ground and nobody says anything. Way to keep up on thing officials and you ask G&F about it. Lol we had one say that's state land I can't tell them they can't. WHAT
Log on to Bureau of land management, pick the state, view interactive map. If you can't find a direct yes/ no answer they have different phone # for each area. Maybe a chance for better answers.
Well we hunt in a hunter management area out here you can drive by state land with signs that states no overnight camping and it looks like the KOA camp ground and nobody says anything. Way to keep up on thing officials and you ask G&F about it. Lol we had one say that's state land I can't tell them they can't. WHAT
The office of state lands has some rules that GW will not enforce, trapping permission is one of them. WG&F leaves that office to enforce some of their rules but not all. They rarely get out of that office too, lol.
The office of state lands has some rules that GW will not enforce, trapping permission is one of them. WG&F leaves that office to enforce some of their rules but not all. They rarely get out of that office too, lol.
Got a new one in our area. Never seen them all bow season. A buddy told me on opening day of rifle they seen WG&F on the river. At makes sense. Lol
When I hunted Wyoming for mule deer back in 18 most of the locals were driving blm roads with beers in their hands, well on their way to a day drunk by 10:00am and they all seemed relatively chipper.

Hard to believe they gave a shit where you were camped.
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