Season 7 - now on Amazon Prime

I have to say the way this season is edited is much better than seasons past. I’m 2 episodes in and this is a great season thus far. Not sure what changed but it’s great so far 👍🏻👍🏻
My 8 year old grandson and I just watched the Elk hunt with the kid from Gerber. Super cool to talk him through what things mean, and what's happening as we start planning his first hunt (in a year or two). Good stuff. I agree... the shots are great this year. More b-roll and narration by Randy. Seeing all that gorgeous backcountry is inspiring.
Watched the bison episode last night and it was amazing. Such a fun hunt to watch!

This morning I watched the NM elk hunt with Jimmer. One thing I admire about Randy and the whole crew is their willingness to publish episodes where no shots happen. We all know that’s the reality most hunts, and it continues to be refreshing to see a person willing to share a hunts story regardless of outcome. Fantastic episode!
Watched the bison episode last night and it was amazing. Such a fun hunt to watch!

This morning I watched the NM elk hunt with Jimmer. One thing I admire about Randy and the whole crew is their willingness to publish episodes where no shots happen. We all know that’s the reality most hunts, and it continues to be refreshing to see a person willing to share a hunts story regardless of outcome. Fantastic episode!

Agreed. Randy and crew are great at showing the work that it takes to fill the tag and bring the meat home. And like you said aj they aren't afraid to show unfilled tags (at first I typed failures, but then again Randy has a great way of showing how productive a hunt can be even if a tag remains his E. CO Archery Mule Deer Hunt, ep.7).

And I really like Marcus Hockett being featured on some of these episodes like the Coues Deer and the AK Sheep hunt. I've heard Randy give him a lot of praise for his hard work over the seasons and I'm glad he's getting in on some of the cool stuff.
Whoops, looks like I credited the wrong guy with the "no shots" comment......meant to say MN_Bowhunter.
Really enjoying the longer format of the episodes. I can get in about 2 miles on the treadmill with my pack per episode. More importantly I think it helps build the story line a bit better.
@Big Fin episode 5. Geez talk about a tough luck hunt! You guys worked your butts off. The water hole footage was awesome tho! You'll get em next time.
It seems to have taken forever to resolve the closed captioning issues with Amazon, but success at last. The first nine episodes of Season 7 are now live. More episodes are being loaded and hope to have approval of those in the next month.

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I think it is fair to say we love Fresh Tracks on these forums. But I am curious what other shows are people watching too. Like what’s the top 5 hunting shows?
1-Fresh Tracks
2-Western Hunter
3-Solo Hunter
4-Meat Easter
5-Pure Fly NZ(not actually hunting, but it is awesome)

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