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SE Montana winter kill

I think the roads are warm enough I'm headed south to Casper and there's patchy areas but for the most part just wet. Talked to a friend that has a place south of Forsyth they got 12 last night on top of the crust.
Don't complain next time you don't get a nd deer tag .....

I'm not. And I never said anything at all about complaining when I don't get a tag.

On the contrary, I'm happy that the G&F is conservative in giving out tags so that when I draw, it is a quality hunt. I don't want ND to be like MT where almost every unit is general and every resident of the state can buy a tag for $16.
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.
I live in Baker,MT and drive just over the border into North Dakota south of Marmath every day for work and it’s actually shocking the difference in deer populations. We used to have to worry about hitting a deer driving in the early morning hours on the montana side but not anymore. Still have the problem of dodging deer on the North Dakota side. I see more deer during the day at work in North Dakota than I will in Montana if I’m actually out looking for them. And the quality of bucks is night and day. I would like to see montana split up their management into smaller districts like North Dakota does.
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.

Can understand the frustration at times, but curious if you ever hunt out of state?
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.

This might be the most assanine post I've ever seen . Think before you type next time .... I have a ton of respect for montana and it's residents . But us NR bring in a lot of $ to montana . And some of us are pretty good people ! If not all of us
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.

Even more interesting that the move-ins know so little about Montana deer...

The last time you posted something that stupid about "your country" in Montana and took a swatting. Apparently you're a slow learner.
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.

You're an idiot, do you have any concept of what non residents help fund. I am a Montana Resident and have no problem with Non Residents. I am also a non resident hunter as I hunt other states and know what its costs.
It's interesting how so many non-residents know so much about the deer in Montana. Personally I hope that the hunting is so bad we don't see any non-resident hunters come to my state. Of course there is one benefit that they provide - they pay a premium for their fees and that keeps my costs down, but then I'd probably be happy to pay more money if it would keep the out-of-staters away.

Ahhh and its only Monday, this is gonna be a good week.
North Dakota bucks. Wish I could find the picture of the buck in the middle of when he’s walking away to show his extra trash


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Another good buck on some PLOTS land in North Dakota. Took picture through binoculars holding my phone. I have a tough job ;)


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Found the picture of him walking away. Another picture of a buck with some nasty growth on his neck


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Not an eastern Montana deer but since I’m posting pictures I figured what the hell. Here’s a buck the wife’s grandpa got in the Crazy Mountains quite a few years ago


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Not an eastern Montana deer but since I’m posting pictures I figured what the hell. Here’s a buck the wife’s grandpa got in the Crazy Mountains quite a few years ago

You took this thread from off-topic in a bad way to off topic in a good way :) That's a heck of a deer.

No matter how bad the winter kill is in eastern MT, I bet there will be no leftover tags, and if there are, I bet they go quickly. There's too much stuff floating around on the net about how great the deer hunting is, and not enough information getting out on how rough the winter has been.
WTF is up with the growth on the neck, Awesome pictures Brockel, thanks for sharing.
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