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Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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This all come down to the old line...the grass is always greener...

Or having your cake and eating it too.

It is a FACT that thousands , no more than that, of residents in the various western states made a conscious decision to move to a state that had good public land big game hunting. When they made that choice, there were minuses that had to be accepted in the deal. The big one is that often your income potential is going to be diminished compared to states with more robust economies. There are others, less medical care, school funding, harsh climate, yada yada. All of those are accepted in order to have annual opportunity to big game hunt.

We can't have our cake and eat it too, and neither can anyone else. If you want more big game hunting opportunity move to a state and take the good with the bad. You will be invested in that state's hunting future instead of coming for a short hunting vacation.
Look at your own statistics...the number of licenses and active hunters is going to fluctuate for a variety of reasons.
Do you know what fluctuate means? Fluctuate isn't a constant downward trend. Elk populations are rising, if anything, the number of active hunters should be going up if they're not decreasing.
You didn't even know that the LQ tags and cow/calf tags were part of the statewide totals.
🤡🤡 They're included. Read the title of the table buzz. Just keep speculating.

Number of Active Hunters is pretty cut and dry. There's no reading between the lines necessary. Guys buying more than 1 tag are why the licenses sold number is higher than the total active hunter numbers.
Do you know what fluctuate means? Fluctuate isn't a constant downward trend. Elk populations are rising, if anything, the number of active hunters should be going up if they're not decreasing.

🤡🤡 They're included. Read the title of the table buzz. Just keep speculating.

Number of Active Hunters is pretty cut and dry. There's no reading between the lines necessary. Guys buying more than 1 tag are why the licenses sold number is higher than the total active hunter numbers.
Elk populations are not rising...check the data.

Also, you didn't know it was total elk tags, if you did, you wouldn't have mentioned Resident general tags.
I'd argue that most of my decisions in life are based on my own morality and outlook on how I think life should work as opposed to how it actually works.
This is the kind thinking that has landed many of my clients in jail for a long, long time.

I was wrong earlier though, I thought you were arguing for making decisions based on reality and being informed, and then contradicting yourself; but you are just advocating for making decisions based on your opinions and feelings.
Hell, from an ideological perspective it's hard to justify our current public land distribution and management scheme.

"All men are created equal"

Except some live in a state without any appreciable public land, yet are still taxed to fund "public" land thousands of miles away, land that other, more privileged people (and by privileged I mean they just got lucky to be born with a particular zipcode), get to utilize and enjoy on a daily basis.

Didn't "we the people" decide that the public trust resources of clean air, clean water, and wildlife (oh shit really? I had no idea that state regulated hunting lead the grizzly bear and the wolf onto the endangered species list) were so goddamn important as to merit a not haphazard state based management and decided to place federal side boards governing their management?

But honestly it really doesn't matter, because I'm irrelevant.
but you are just advocating for making decisions based on your opinions and feelings.
Is it illegal to ask people for money?
Do you do it?
Why not?
You can't say you don't need to, you've already said you work and your not a millionaire yet, so you clearly need money, why don't you just ask people for it?
Do you get it now? Or were you just being difficult?
This all come down to the old line...the grass is always greener...

Or having your cake and eating it too.

It is a FACT that thousands , no more than that, of residents in the various western states made a conscious decision to move to a state that had good public land big game hunting. When they made that choice, there were minuses that had to be accepted in the deal. The big one is that often your income potential is going to be diminished compared to states with more robust economies. There are others, less medical care, school funding, harsh climate, yada yada. All of those are accepted in order to have annual opportunity to big game hunt.

We can't have our cake and eat it too, and neither can anyone else. If you want more big game hunting opportunity move to a state and take the good with the bad. You will be invested in that state's hunting future instead of coming for a short hunting vacation.
Hell, from an ideological perspective it's hard to justify our current public land distribution and management scheme.

"All men are created equal"

Except some live in a state without any appreciable public land, yet are still taxed to fund "public" land thousands of miles away, land that other, more privileged people (and by privileged I mean they just got lucky to be born with a particular zipcode), get to utilize and enjoy on a daily basis.

Didn't "we the people" decide that the public trust resources of clean air, clean water, and wildlife (oh shit really? I had no idea that state regulated hunting lead the grizzly bear and the wolf onto the endangered species list) were so goddamn important as to merit a not haphazard state based management and decided to place federal side boards governing their management?

But honestly it really doesn't matter, because I'm irrelevant.

Is it illegal to ask people for money?
Do you do it?
Why not?
You can't say you don't need to, you've already said you work and your not a millionaire yet, so you clearly need money, why don't you just ask people for it?
Do you get it now? Or were you just being difficult?
You know I respect you, this is not meant to sound harsh: What is it you would want specifically? To blow the whole thing up and start from scratch? There is no way that outcome is going to be better for habitat, wildlife, and certainly hunters at large in any modern political paradigm.

To parphrase Randy, there are changes that are meaningful. Some of those are doable and wisely applied; worth our time, effort, and money.
Hooked on need to look into it. Statewide populations determine permit numbers. Numbers are down about 7100 elk, and I can tell you after the 2022/23 winter, they're down even more.

You skim read an article and draw the conclusion that when elk increase in one part of the state, that means total statewide populations are increasing too.

That's not the way it works. I would add some things that are pertinent to that, but would only confuse you further. How herds are managed matters, and that's wayyyyyyyyy past your comprehension level.
Here is the elk population is the top 15 states from 2011 to 2024 summarized in a nice little chart. I wish I had a link to some overall tags issued for elk in various states from this same time period. I don't have any data that goes back to 2011 but perhaps I could dig it out or request it from state agencies. I would just be curious if the tag numbers have stayed roughly the same, increased or decreased over this same time period and compare it to the elk population estimate.

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You're chirping that NR's should be getting more tags while elk populations are declining here. Further, if the booming herds are going to be controlled its not via bull permits, its cows that need to be shot, not bulls.

You're living in la-la land if you think Residents are going to allow the GF to start issuing NR's more bull tags, in particular NR general tags, to control elk populations in the areas that are experiencing increased herd numbers. Not to mention that most of the areas with the most herd growth are LQ areas anyway. They'll be issuing more cow tags, which you've made abundantly clear you have no interest in.

You're out of your depth...and mind.
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Hell, from an ideological perspective it's hard to justify our current public land distribution and management scheme.

"All men are created equal"

Except some live in a state without any appreciable public land, yet are still taxed to fund "public" land thousands of miles away, land that other, more privileged people (and by privileged I mean they just got lucky to be born with a particular zipcode), get to utilize and enjoy on a daily basis.

Didn't "we the people" decide that the public trust resources of clean air, clean water, and wildlife (oh shit really? I had no idea that state regulated hunting lead the grizzly bear and the wolf onto the endangered species list) were so goddamn important as to merit a not haphazard state based management and decided to place federal side boards governing their management?

But honestly it really doesn't matter, because I'm irrelevant.

Is it illegal to ask people for money?
Do you do it?
Why not?
You can't say you don't need to, you've already said you work and your not a millionaire yet, so you clearly need money, why don't you just ask people for it?
Do you get it now? Or were you just being difficult?

all men being created equal really had nothing to do with getting to go hiking and backpacking. i feel it really had to do with economic opportunity and we all know how much of a lie that really was for many in our society, but that's neither here nor there right now.

the complicated history of our public lands distribution was in no way designed to discriminate against people that didn't mvoe west of the mississippi, it just how the chips fell when the government bought new territory and dolled out homesteads. and in any case, all americans benefit from income those public lands generate. they're not just for hiking and hunting.

but even then, and please don't take offense cause you know i respect you too, i just can't help but read all that and say, "well yeah, no shit, life ain't fair and it never will be."
Boy all these whiny residents sure gets old. Wawawa I can’t make any money here! You have to subsidize my hunting or else !
I'd buy your NR special fee tag out from under you in 2 seconds if I could...and wouldn't feel one bit bad about it.

Hmmmm...there's an idea allow Residents to apply for both NR and R tags. Wouldn't matter who's $1950 paid for a NR elk tag. I'd even buy the NR preference points.

What's your line, be careful what you wish for?
I'd buy your NR special fee tag out from under you in 2 seconds if I could...and wouldn't feel one bit bad about it.

Hmmmm...there's an idea allow Residents to apply for both NR and R tags. Wouldn't matter who's $1950 paid for a NR elk tag.

Buzz your amazing I never seen anyone that could blow their own horn and pat themselves on the back at the same time you should start an only fan page.
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