Screwing over the Non-resident (or not)?

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It’s sad to say but there was a hard lesson learned from WA when it comes to advocacy. Makes me wonder if that’s why there’s a lot of attention in CO for the same issue.

Exactly correct. Big difference. Same with California mountain lion ban
I see this in alot of people's future. Happy application season View attachment 318098

Things is in the not to far future you can see a lot of resident hunters getting the finger in there own states. Then maybe they would then seen the value of having opportunities in other states as NR also.
Turn each state into an island of hunters into themselves and we are all screwed
Things is in the not to far future you can see a lot of resident hunters getting the finger in there own states. Then maybe they would then seen the value of having opportunities in other states as NR also.
Turn each state into an island of hunters into themselves and we are all screwed
Maybe so but look at the example of washington unlimited nr tags and nr didn't flock to help them so why should any other state except to be any different. Western states will be better served to work to convince the non hunters that hunting is needed vs trying to please nr with your attitude.

I do apply as a nr in other states also but if I don't draw oh well it's not the end of the world for me.
Maybe so but look at the example of washington unlimited nr tags and nr didn't flock to help them so why should any other state except to be any different. Western states will be better served to work to convince the non hunters that hunting is needed vs trying to please nr with your attitude.

I do apply as a nr in other states also but if I don't draw oh well it's not the end of the world for me.

Yeah good luck getting birdwatcher and hikers to fork over some fees to to tune of NR license costs.

Here is better idea. Stop being short sighted and greedy. Don’t marginalize a group of hunters that are willing to cough up substantial revenue just the OPPORTUNITY to draw a tag. Not even a guarantee, just the opportunity ! Realize that we are all non residents in every other state and you will have that same opportunity to apply as everyone else.
Yeah good luck getting birdwatcher and hikers to fork over some fees to to tune of NR license costs.

Here is better idea. Stop being short sighted and greedy. Don’t marginalize a group of hunters that are willing to cough up substantial revenue just the OPPORTUNITY to draw a tag. Not even a guarantee, just the opportunity ! Realize that we are all non residents in every other state and you will have that same opportunity to apply as everyone else.
I think you have the opportunity to draw a tag in most western states?
Serious question?? @Trial153 what is your definition of greedy? I thought it was @BuzzH and WY for their caps and quotas but now we’re supposed to stop being short sighted and greedy with WA unlimited NR tags?? Dude. You really need to pull your head out of your ass. You’d bitch about a blow job. You must be a real treat at parties and you must be a real charmer. How do you even stand yourself?
Serious question?? @Trial153 what is your definition of greedy? I thought it was @BuzzH and WY for their caps and quotas but now we’re supposed to stop being short sighted and greedy with WA unlimited NR tags?? Dude. You really need to pull your head out of your ass. You’d bitch about a blow job. You must be a real treat at parties and you must be a real charmer. How do you even stand yourself?

You really impressed me, watching you kiss Buzz’s ass was a great strategy. Thats really going to turn the tide for you. For sure he is going worry about that nice NR that drives a logging truck now.
You really impressed me, watching you kiss Buzz’s ass was a great strategy. Thats really going to turn the tide for you. For sure he is going worry about that nice NR that drives a logging truck now.
What a joke. I’m not kissing anyone’s ass. I asked you a legitimate question. I’d like you to explain your stupidity.
All you do is complain and cry and you add nothing and can’t even answer questions. You sir are officially a waste of my time and everyone here’s oxygen. You have zero to contribute.
All you do is complain and cry and you add nothing and can’t even answer questions. You sir are officially a waste of my time and everyone here’s oxygen. You have zero to contribute.

I have contributed plenty, I been around long enough to see that despite ever increasing contributions, NR hunters will continue to be marginalized and staying the course is a losing proposition.
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