
Screaming RANT

I honestly don't know what coverage we have. I do know we have some of the same doctors we have had for years. My wife's doctor she has had at least 30 years. It's the overall lack of service and availability to care when you need it.

Do you present your Medicare card or a different card when arranging payment? If it is some other card there is a strong chance that you are in a medicare advantage plan.

The bad news is it is difficult to get back to straight medicare, once you enter into a medicare advantage plan. The good news is right now is the time where you can switch to a different medicare advantage plan. They make it very difficult to compare plans effectively. Good luck.
I use the same old kaiser card with the same old number on it that I've had for 71 years. For the other kaiser members here,,,,.my number is less than 338,000
Call your local school district and see if they have them for the public.
There are CDC grants to schools which allow them to provide them free within the district.
If your school says no, tell them you heard about this grant being available tot hem.
Call your local school district and see if they have them for the public.
There are CDC grants to schools which allow them to provide them free within the district.
If your school says no, tell them you heard about this grant being available tot hem.
Umm, we don't have a school district. One county pays another county by the head to take any kids willing to take the 2 1/2 hour round trip every day. Most kids are home schooled. We used to have the last one room school in the state but it got closed when it got down to 7-8 kids
Been there done that. When they closed the Raymond High School, for a time, they bussed kids to Madera High School.
For whatever reason, they changed us to a different district and my brother and sister had a 4 hour bus ride to Sierra High School in Auberry.
My brother opted to room with a family in Auberry. We moved to Nevada before I reached HS age.

I've knocked around California from end to end. I think I've only been to your area once. I was living and working in San Jose and scouting pig hunting spots. I used to hunt the San Luis Refuge and New Idria a lot in those days. I had a cousin in Gustine who used to ride his motorcycle over the hill your way.
It can be a great place to live or the worst. It depends on what you make of it. There used to be about 70 active phones in 100 or so square miles. We don't even have a published phone book anymore. There around 30 full time residents left.
It can be a great place to live or the worst. It depends on what you make of it. There used to be about 70 active phones in 100 or so square miles. We don't even have a published phone book anymore. There around 30 full time residents left.
I love that there are still places in California like that. I gave up trying to explain that we lived 23 miles from shopping in the 1970's. Most folks think all of California is like LA County.
Heath insurance is legal theft. Only thing worse are time shares My wife had a prescription that covered a certain capsule, although there’s two other capsule variants. Only that specific one is covered. Same drug, same manufacturer. Treats the same thing.
Kaiser is a joke anymore, my wife's peers who worked for them have all jumped ship.

Just be thankful we're not on socialized medicine yet, I just read there are 7.7 million people in the UK waiting for healthcare...
I don't know what you'd call medicare, other than "socialized" medicine. Government funded, by taxes, sounds like it to me.

I am very fortunate to have company subsidized health care as a retiree. It used to be a supplemental to medicare. Now, they put us into a medicare advantage plan, if we wanted to continue with their generous health plan.

I have zero complaints, we have good coverage, can see any doctor that accepts medicare. The gym membership is pick up also.
Heath insurance is legal theft. Only thing worse are time shares My wife had a prescription that covered a certain capsule, although there’s two other capsule variants. Only that specific one is covered. Same drug, same manufacturer. Treats the same thing.
Insurance in general is license to steal IME..
You obviously haven't tried to make an appointment lately. US healthcare sees that stat and says "hold my beer".

Right, as noted earlier, pts with cancer diagnosis told they're months out. Pt with sudden shortness of breath, fatigue told insurance won't cover diagnostics/angio etc so we sent her to the ER. Bill could have been $10-15k, instead it was north of $100k when the stent was put in.
Right, as noted earlier, pts with cancer diagnosis told they're months out. Pt with sudden shortness of breath, fatigue told insurance won't cover diagnostics/angio etc so we sent her to the ER. Bill could have been $10-15k, instead it was north of $100k when the stent was put in.
This makes me unreasonably upset. What a crooked system.
You obviously haven't tried to make an appointment lately. US healthcare sees that stat and says "hold my beer".
Idk how it compares to socialist Healthcare but I do know I've got about the best insurance you can have and it's a $*)Q!#@$ joke. I cantvreally say because obviously in my 20's and as a kid I didn't go other than physicals and never needed a specialist but it seems like not that long ago is wasn't like this?
Maybe another "I can't believe this shit ". I was whining about a bad reaction to my shingles vaccine a few days ago. It wasn't the vaccine but I got the covid crap. I know where I got it and lucky its relatively mild. Of course I infected my shorter half before we knew what it was. Here's my rant. My doctor says he'll cut a script for some paxlovid but it will conflict with some other mods. My wife's doctor says pretty much the same thing and leaves it up to us whether to take paxlovid or the conflicting meds. Both doctors also order up a couple handfuls of test kits. So yesterday afternoon she heads for town, 75 mile round trip. Before she leaves the pharmacy called to say they would prefer if she would call from the parking lot and they would bring the stuff out to her car. Cool! She gets there and there's no test kits. The pharmacy says our coverage won't pay for them and they're 20 bucks each! WTF?? The government gives them away yet the health care coverage that is around 1000 bucks a month paid by Medicare won't cover the damn test kits??
Paxlovid interacts with every drug on the planet and we aren’t sure if he even works. It’s actually hard to dispense usually requires blood work and a lot of paper work certainly not the pharmacies fault. Testing was free when we were burning Covid money I believe that has ended. It sucks but the pharmacy is playing by the rules it’s given. You can blame politicians for this one. Especially for the fear they created with Covid