Incoming Rant

In my experience the kids that “straighten up” after corporal punishment are the ones that probably were going to learn without it and the ones that don’t just get worse and resentful. There is zero actual proof that corporal punishment does any good. Just cherry-picked anecdotes and tough guy stories.
There's a big difference between a swat on the ass and a total humiliating beat down.
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A swat on the butt is a positive attention getter. I'm not talking a punishment spanking. I don't believe in that and I think they cause resentment. A good swat on the butt let's them know that you want their full attention.
It's absolutely true that every generation thinks "kids these days" are off the rails and the future is bleak. It's almost a stage of life.

It's also absolutely true that at different points in plenty of societies throughout history now gone or warped, the oldtimers were right.

Neither fact tells you what's true now.
A swat on the butt is a positive attention getter. I'm not talking a punishment spanking. I don't believe in that and I think they cause resentment. A good swat on the butt let's them know that you want their full attention.
Fair enough.
Don't look at the 12 year old kid, look at his 30-something year old parents. Then, when trying to figure out how they became the parents they are, look at THEIR 50-something year old parents. A lot of 30-somethings rejected how they were brought up and tried something different. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.
Undoubtedly true, but doesn’t mean either actually work to raise healthy hard working young adults.
Seems very subjective for whatever side one wants to proclaim their allegiance. Subjective studies lacking objectivity - again, from both sides of the debate. It's akin to political FOX vs Political MSNBC for people's favorite flavored Kool Aid.

IMO, this is the nature of the human race. Over a broad time frame, human psyche (d)evolves.

My church grade school was able to paddle us a max five times a day. The principle had a paddle with holes drilled with a humored aerodynamic oak body.
Front of class, hold ankles and look forward.

Hey, teacher! Leave us kids alone! 🤣
Seems very subjective for whatever side one wants to proclaim their allegiance. Subjective studies lacking objectivity - again, from both sides of the debate. It's akin to political FOX vs Political MSNBC for people's favorite flavored Kool Aid.

IMO, this is the nature of the human race. Over a broad time frame, human psyche (d)evolves.

My church grade school was able to paddle us a max five times a day. The principle had a paddle with holes drilled with a humored aerodynamic oak body.
Front of class, hold ankles and look forward.

Hey, teacher! Leave us kids alone!
In my teens I would have gone back and burned it to the ground. But I am more chill now.
My church grade school was able to paddle us a max five times a day. The principle had a paddle with holes drilled with a humored aerodynamic oak body.
Front of class, hold ankles and look forward.
Yeah, I remember those. And then refusing to wince or shed a tear even though it hurt like hell.
My kids were raised in a one room school house. The teacher became physical with my then 10 year old daughter. Her 13 year old older brother stuck up for her. When they came home that day I went down and explained to the teacher that it wouldn't happen again. He agreed.
Seems like we’ve replaced corporal punishment in schools with the teachers having sex with the kids.
Actually pretty high likelihood there was both in the “good old days”.
Several Catholic Diocese are filing bankruptcy. They created a safe haven for pedophiles . Now they are paying the price. It also created a safe haven for men and women to associate with others of their sexual orientation. I had a couple of gay male teachers. No matter to me, they were good teachers, but it was a weird environment.
Actually pretty high likelihood there was both in the “good old days”.
Oh I’m sure. But stories are in the media daily it seems, especially involving sexting and social media.
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