Scoring Guessing Game 7

Length: 14 7/8
Prong: 6 0/8
Base: 7 1/8
1st: 8 0/8
2nd: 3 1/8
3rd : 2 1/8

Total: 82 4/8
Length: 15 6/8
Prong: 6 4/8
Base: 7 1/8
1st: 6 6/8
2nd: 3 3/8
3rd: 2 4/8
Score: 84
92 3/8 net. Big speed goat. Looks like he may have some more growing next year.. unless....??
score guesstimate

Length: 16-1
Prong: 6-3
1st: 6-7
2nd: 7-0
3rd: 3-4
4th 2-5

Total 85-0/8

I'm hoping to get over 100 guesses. Between the 3 forums, Facebook, and email I think we've gotten about 65 so far. Oh, and there's something I neglected to inform everyone of, but I did it on purpose. ;)
OK, the guesses have slowed down some so I'll see if I can spark the fire again.

Sometimes one of the better ways to judge a buck is to compare him to other bucks around him. When he's all alone and there aren't any other bucks around you can at least compare him to other bucks that you have photos of and know the final score of. Here's a buck we can look at that has a similar shape from the front view and isn't too dissimilar from the side view.

How do you guys think this buck compares to our original buck? Is this buck below bigger or smaller? I'll reveal this bucks score after we reach 100 guesses on the original buck. We're still stuck at 65 guesses.

I think the first buck is much bigger than the second buck; heavier and taller with the prong looking to be about the same. I'd give the second buck a gross score of right around 79. Will stick with my high 80s score on the first buck.
Yeah, I think the second buck is much smaller. But if Eli knows the real score of the second one, I'm probably wrong.
I know the real score of the second buck, but not because we had anything to do with it getting taken. Someone brought us the buck and I was like, "That buck looks familiar," and he was like, "Oh, yeah," and I was like, "Yeah," and he was like, "Oh, yeah," and I was like, "I think have photos of him," and he was like, "Oh, yeah..."

Well, you get the point. :)
OK, it looks like we're stuck at 65 guesses.

Here are the stats:

L: 16 1/8
P: 6 3/8
B: 6 7/8
1st: 7 2/8
2nd: 3 6/8
3rd: 2 5/8
Score: 86 3/8

L: 14 1/8
P: 5 4/8
B: 6
1st: 6 4/8
2nd: 3 1/8
3rd: 1 4/8
Score: 80

L: 17 5/8
P: 6 7 /8
B: 7 5/8
1st: 8
2nd: 5
3rd: 3 2/8
Score: 92 3/8

The average scores for the different forums was kind of interesting to see:

TAH: 88
MM: 85 5/8
OYOA: 86 2/8

Some interesting thoughts on the numbers:

Only 3 hunters guessed the 2nd quarter to be over 4 inches.
Only 1 hunter guessed the prong to be under 6 inches. No one guessed the prong to be 7+ inches.
Only 4 hunters guessed the buck to score under the All-Time B&C minimum.
8 hunters guessed the buck to score over 90 inches.

The second buck scores 87 2/8 SCI and 86 4/8 B&C and was taken by Cal Sutton in Arizona's Unit 9. We had nothing to do with that buck being harvested.

About the original buck (and the reason I haven't posted it's score yet): The buck has yet to be killed - it is still alive as I type this. We call the buck "PrimeTime" and currently it is one of our candidate bucks for the Arizona Auction Tag Hunter. The hunter will be coming in on Friday and, unless we find a bigger buck between now and then, we will go after "PrimeTime".

My numbers on "PrimeTime" look like this:

L: 17 1/8
P: 6 4/8
B: 6 7/8
1st: 7 2/8
2nd: 4 3/8
3rd: 2 7/8
Score: 90

With this experiment I was hoping to achieve something of a "Wisdom of Crowds" type thing. Not sure if 65 guesses qualifies, but it's the largest response I've seen to a scoring thread yet, so that's exciting.

It will be interesting to see where the crowd and official measurements collide (provided we take him - fingers crossed).

Are you ever significantly wrong with your guesses after you get a clients buck on the ground? Seems the answer should be no since you really know your lopes. However if you are ever wrong...this might be the time. I'm not even close to being an expert, but using some of your techniques on judging size I'm just not seeing 17 inches of Legnth on him. If he is indeed 90inches I'm giving up on ever trying to field judge a lope again!! :D

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