Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars


Thanks everyone. Good to get info from those dealing with it also. No way it keeps me home, just looking to be more comfortable. mtmuley
Acting up today. I have a week to fix it. Remedies? I'm hunting regardless. mtmuley
I was bad off with mine. Prob from 150 mile round trip commute everyday. Went to a chiropractor, first time ever who adjusted my hip. Has a table that elevates then gives way as he pushes down on my lower back/hip. Table also stretches you and pivots left and right at the hip as he works it out. Near instant relief. Now I go once a month or so to stay straight.
I have found stretching along with laying on a towel or t-shirt, folded, along my spine relieves the pressure I get on my lower back & neck nerves. That & ice & hot.
It hits me from time to time. Chiropractor can have you feeling better after a visit or 2.

I ordered a pso-rite and use it on my psoas and hip flexors to keep things in order. Since you probably don't have time to get one ordered and delivered, go get 3 tennis balls and tape them together with athletic tape in a triangle shape. Then get 3 more so you have 2 triangles and use them like the pso-rite. YouTube it and thank me later.

The little tennis ball setup is easy to throw in the truck with a foam roller in case of back issues on a hunting trip.
MTMuley, a 6.5 creed and man-bun! Hah! $$$ meme right there!

Curious Muley, have you checked it out with your doc? Made sure it's sciatica and not some herniated disk pinched nerve?

I held off a long while until it became something that required surgery. I don't doubt your resolve - though maybe have your doc dial in some of that hard earned education.

Icy hot patches or lidocaine patches might help while in the field?
Go to a good chiropractor but they aren't all the same. My father was excellant at fixing that. If you stall it or treat it with bandaids it will get worse.

Another thing to look at may be your hip. I tried everything and finally found that my left hip was shot. The sciatic nerve travels down the leg next to the hip socket. Lot's o luck.

I'm equally impaired having had gaul bladder removal on thursday. Things hurt I didn't know I had.
MTMuley, a 6.5 creed and man-bun! Hah! $$$ meme right there!

Curious Muley, have you checked it out with your doc? Made sure it's sciatica and not some herniated disk pinched nerve?

I held off a long while until it became something that required surgery. I don't doubt your resolve - though maybe have your doc dial in some of that hard earned education.

Icy hot patches or lidocaine patches might help while in the field?
No doc yet. No insurance so a doctor is a last resort. Lidocaine patches are awesome. Have some in my pack. Guess it's ibuprofen in the morning, High Life at night. mtmuley
Likely you have already thought about this cause, but is it the same side as where you carry a wallet?

I get a minor case on long road trips, sometimes. As soon as the wallet comes out of my hip pocket, the pain begins to subside.

Good luck, chronic pain is no fun.
I had success doing the stretches and pushing the bulge back into my spinal column. It took a couple of weeks for relief. I obviously am no authority. I did the arch my back thing about three times a day and used a home traction device.

Another time I waited it out rather than stretch and it took almost a year to get better. I couldn’t walk into Home Depot and out without stopping to rest.

Good luck.
Stretch stretch and stretch some more. If I even feel a bit of tension or tightness ( sitting in a treestand or sporting event stands) I stretch the minute I get home.

Mine took 8 months to go away. Lost 10 pounds too so that might have helped as well.

I forgot. Iced my lower back pretty much every night for a few months. That seemed to help a good amount.
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Muley, I feel your pain, with some regularity. In addition to the recommendations above, put 5# of plain old birdseed in a pillowcase, knot to close it. Microwave it 4-5 min. Don't burn it, stinks the whole house up. Put it where it hurts and after stretching. Between wife and I, that bag gets used quite often. Good luck on your hunts.
I don't care for any pain relievers. Haven't even taken an aspirin in 30 plus years. II ain't holistic, maybe a stretch or something? mtmuley

Foam roller/ball & stretching. Rest, Ice, walk. My back siezes up from time to time, and rolling, stretching & walking help clear it up. Not hiking, but a gentle walk. Keep it under 2-3 miles.

I like a super firm roller as it really helps release the muscles. It'll take a few days, but keep rolling, keep stretching (should be able to google up those stretches) and don't sit much. Either lie down or stand up. Sitting really shortens the hip flexor & the piriformis.

Gettin' old ain't for sissies. Good luck.
Lay in bed on stomach and pull your bent knee up towards your chest while keeping the other leg straight. You can feel the stretch in the hip area. Do both sides hold a few minutes or as long as possible

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