Caribou Gear Tarp

School funding

I think the legislature of WV missed the boat worse than the Secty of Education. What sense is there in mandating hunters safety for all middle school students? We already have a crisis in hunting access opportunities. How does mandating more consumers for less and less resources make any sense ... or do any good for either hunters or the resource? Oh, but it gets more guns in more hands and therefore theoretically more support against gun legislation. Isn't that what this is all about? Using govt to push personal (or commercial) agendas, however absurd or counterproductive or potentially destructive those methods or objectives may be. Put on the blinders and hook up the bulldozer blade.

WV would have given its children much more potential for success if it had instead mandated real estate management/development curriculum in its schools. Resources be damned ... but who knows, maybe one of those kids could grow up to be president. It's been known to happen.
I’ve anticipated draw back from parents since I started teaching hunters Ed in school. I am yet to get it. All of the students take the class, unless they have already taken hunters Ed. I begin every class like this, I suspect the result would be the same in West Virginia, and much of the South, midwest, west, and even if you hate to admit it on the coasts as well:

“I know some of you are wondering why you have to take hunters education. First off, hunters education is a terrible name for this class. I am not going to teach you how to hunt but I am going to teach you how to safely handle a firearm. With a show of hands how many of you have a firearm in the house?” 1/3 of the class will raise there hands. “With a show of hands, how many of you that did not raise your hand have a grandparent or aunt and uncle that have a firearm in their house?” Another 1/3 raise their hand. “Now, those that raised your hands to the first 2 questions put your hands up. If you don’t have your hand up look around the room and raise your hand if one of your friends has a firearm in their home.” The rest of class has to put their hand up. Most of these girls who don’t want to be there are thinking about making money and boys. So I Then I go on to ask the girls if they ever plan on baby sitting? “What if little Timmy finds his dads gun while you are watching him? “ and finally “every time I teach this class to the public I have several girls who are 18-25 years old taking the class. They’ve never been interested in guns or hunting but now they are, why?” There is usually a few snickers and then one girl will say “because there boyfriend wants them too.”
But God dang the Biden administration, is great for public lands, right????
I've been waiting to hear from friends in DC as to the reality of this claim. Yes, as originally reported on FOX news, the administration intends to withhold funds these programs based on their interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).

The question I've asked for confirmation is whether the decision only applies to the funds for those programs being or for any school that has such program.

Either way, I would suggest that no matter where you live, no matter the party of your Senator or Congressman, you email them with a request to clarify that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) was not intended to focus on hunter education, archery education, or firearms training and withholding funds from schools that have such programs should not happen.

Find your Representative here -

Find your Senator here -
But God dang the Biden administration, is great for public lands, right????
Biden hasn’t done anything for “sportspersons”. The guy doesn’t even know where he is or how to speak half the time.

The liberals on here (which there are far more than I could have imagined) will either find a way to dismiss this whole thing as a misunderstanding or will gloss over it and try to deflect towards a conservative issue they don’t agree with.

These D’s that have the power in DC have an agenda, and it doesn’t align with the things most of us are passionate about. In general they hate guns, hunting, and many other things we love. Sure there are some R’s with a ridiculous stance on public lands but they are the fringe and don’t carry any weight.
This is just more of Fox News distorting reality. Is there any evidence federal money ever was actually used to fund those programs? I would have thought the antis could EASILY have shut it down, had that been the case. It's unconstitutional. I suspect this is just some totally noneffective talking-out-the-arse stuff the present administration is blowing off to make themselves look like they're doing something to fight guns, violence, etc without actually doing anything. Fox takes the bait. But don't let them make you a sucker.
Is this where you go for an unbiased news source?


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Biden hasn’t done anything for “sportspersons”. The guy doesn’t even know where he is or how to speak half the time.

The liberals on here (which there are far more than I could have imagined) will either find a way to dismiss this whole thing as a misunderstanding or will gloss over it and try to deflect towards a conservative issue they don’t agree with.

These D’s that have the power in DC have an agenda, and it doesn’t align with the things most of us are passionate about. In general they hate guns, hunting, and many other things we love. Sure there are some R’s with a ridiculous stance on public lands but they are the fringe and don’t carry any weight.

Is this where you go for an unbiased news source?
You're not off base.


What I find curious, given writing your elected officials at federal level does very little and is at a 2% chance to even be read by the CoS, is the amount of recommendations to reach out to BHA and RMEF for assistance and pressure through their lobbyists and members.

Surely we have some members that are high in those organizations or know someone who is, this would be great for their cause, no?
You're not off base.


What I find curious, given writing your elected officials at federal level does very little and is at a 2% chance to even be read by the CoS, is the amount of recommendations to reach out to BHA and RMEF for assistance and pressure through their lobbyists and members.

Surely we have some members that are high in those organizations or know someone who is, this would be great for their cause, no?
I received an email from RMEF that said contact the DOE and your congresspersons. We need to stop abdicating responsibility to these organizations and do our jobs as citizens. Ironically, it is R congresspeople that need to be contacted more. They voted against it to begin with because voting for something might reduce the outrage factor they hope to utilize in 2024.
They voted against it to begin with because voting for something might reduce the outrage factor they hope to utilize in 2024.
Or they voted against it because they knew Father Time and his cabinet of misfit toys would screw it up. Either way. Hard to say at this point.
I received an email from RMEF that said contact the DOE and your congresspersons. We need to stop abdicating responsibility to these organizations and do our jobs as citizens. Ironically, it is R congresspeople that need to be contacted more. They voted against it to begin with because voting for something might reduce the outrage factor they hope to utilize in 2024.
Short of mass incumbent losses now-forever, there's a reason lobbyists exist.

I am not disagreeing with your sentiment at all. But to pretend our voice to a representative is even 1/5th the weight of the lobbyist would be juvenile.

It's R today, D tomorrow, both would gut PR/name a fund if it meant that money went to the military or welfare.

It's theater, and every so often has a different actor as the lead and the choir changes, but it's the same tune and tone.
I received an email from RMEF that said contact the DOE and your congresspersons. We need to stop abdicating responsibility to these organizations and do our jobs as citizens. Ironically, it is R congresspeople that need to be contacted more. They voted against it to begin with because voting for something might reduce the outrage factor they hope to utilize in 2024.
Yep, people, hunters included, are in general a lazy bunch.

It's always some group or someone else who needs to "do something".

When others, and the various groups "do something", about half the whiners give you crap about how you didn't do it exactly right, didn't do enough, or did it wrong.

I shit you not, I negotiated a safety boot policy at work, getting field going employees reimbursed $300 every 3 years for boots...first call I got was a guy bitching because "you didn't do enough, my boots cost $350 a pair".

He didn't like my response. Shockingly, he seemed dumfounded and surprised with my propensity to be blunt in my reply to such nonsense.

I suspect my response to those whining about someone else having to carry their water on this issue would be very similar.
Short of mass incumbent losses now-forever, there's a reason lobbyists exist.

I am not disagreeing with your sentiment at all. But to pretend our voice to a representative is even 1/5th the weight of the lobbyist would be juvenile.

It's R today, D tomorrow, both would gut PR/name a fund if it meant that money went to the military or welfare.

It's theater, and every so often has a different actor as the lead and the choir changes, but it's the same tune and tone.
You don't have to be a paid lobbyist to have influence, BTDT, period end of statement.
I shit you not, I negotiated a safety boot policy at work, getting field going employees reimbursed $300 every 3 years for boots...first call I got was a guy bitching because "you didn't do enough, my boots cost $350 a pair".
Start derail.

Worked at a mine that had a boot policy of $100 every year with no requirement to actually purchase boots. Told an operator one night that his boots were no longer acceptable. Sole was falling off, mostly held together with Cat green. He said they were 10 years old and that he would get a new pair but that our boot policy sucked since it was only for $100. Told him he should be able to find a sweet pair for the $1000 he had been given since last purchasing boots.

End derail.
You don't have to be a paid lobbyist to have influence, BTDT, period end of statement.
Yes and you don't need both nuts to be the best cyclist.

Go on about how John doe is going to call up a congressman and expect that he, John doe, has influence..

What influences em is power, money or leverage.

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I shit you not, I negotiated a safety boot policy at work, getting field going employees reimbursed $300 every 3 years for boots...first call I got was a guy bitching because "you didn't do enough, my boots cost $350 a pair".
Boss usually buys lunch on fridays..we have a guy who seriously said I don't want the food but I'll take the cash value.
Yes and you don't need both nuts to be the best cyclist.

Go on about how John doe is going to call up a congressman and expect that he, John doe, has influence..

What influences em is power, money or leverage.

My results prove differently. If your method of influencing people is akin to how you communicate here, I don't doubt your lack of success.
Or they voted against it because they knew Father Time and his cabinet of misfit toys would screw it up. Either way. Hard to say at this point.
Well that is an argument for inaction that could have been used for the last 6.5yrs or 206yrs.

They voted against it because it had background checks for convicted domestic abusers. 2A violation or something.

I am not disagreeing with your sentiment at all. But to pretend our voice to a representative is even 1/5th the weight of the lobbyist would be juvenile.
Sure, but it isn’t a reason not to send an email asking them to fix it. Terribly hypocritical for people to sit on the internet complaining that politicians don’t listen to the average citizen while not trying to take an active role in the process. Doesn’t mean you get what you want every time, but at least you are in the arena.
My results prove differently. If your method of influencing people is akin to how you communicate here, I don't doubt your lack of success.
Your results are, what, based on the backing of unions or some such thing?

As said, John doe is not calling up a congressman or senator with the same weight as a lobbyist. He is not getting change done.

Its not happening. Period. John doe isn't getting past the receptionist, and best case, he's getting a tuesday at 8am with the office rep, more than likely not even getting to the CoS, best case they'll get the district chief back home.

Point of my OG post on this topic, why doesn't randy call up the BHA if they are so amazing and help out? Why doesn't he leverage, or you, the orgs that are so highly touted, so powerful, so influential? Strength in numbers right?

Youre big man on campus, I'll wait for the reasons yall arent doing that, just calling them up and getting that change you say is so easy, with all your successes afterall.

I'll wait, go on, seriously. You are the one man band with so much influence and successes at it, go call them up and be that change you tout.

But the minute you deflect from doing what you proclaim is so easy and successful at, you are just that, a shill. And I fully expect you to deflect and obfuscate.


Worst case though, the minions PMs should be good fodder again
Your results are, what, based on the backing of unions or some such thing?

As said, John doe is not calling up a congressman or senator with the same weight as a lobbyist. He is not getting change done.

Its not happening. Period. John doe isn't getting past the receptionist, and best case, he's getting a tuesday at 8am with the office rep, more than likely not even getting to the CoS, best case they'll get the district chief back home.

Point of my OG post on this topic, why doesn't randy call up the BHA if they are so amazing and help out? Why doesn't he leverage, or you, the orgs that are so highly touted, so powerful, so influential? Strength in numbers right?

Youre big man on campus, I'll wait for the reasons yall arent doing that, just calling them up and getting that change you say is so easy, with all your successes afterall.

I'll wait, go on, seriously. You are the one man band with so much influence and successes at it, go call them up and be that change you tout.

But the minute you deflect from doing what you proclaim is so easy and successful at, you are just that, a shill. And I fully expect you to deflect and obfuscate.


Worst case though, the minions PMs should be good fodder again
You fellas are fixin to get this thread closed.