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Schmalts warning!!

HAHA! This is awesome. I'm just a newb getting started for my kids to have something to shoot. My 7 year old is our shooter.
Like I've said before, you can play cards over the phone with schmalts, but you better have your chit together to transact with the irascible bastage. ;) (y)
Like I've said before, you can play cards over the phone with schmalts, but you better have your chit together to transact with the irascible bastage. ;) (y)
Yall weren't lying. He fast! Ive got a few scopes to upgrade on some things ive been picking up. Looking forward to giving him my money!
So Ken is someone I talked with on the phone a few times and we talk business so he understands why I ask for the manufacture number. even more so on a text message that should be short and sweet. Let me describe what about 30% of all messages are like, and please do not think this is making fun of anyone but it will give you an idea of why the manufacture number matter. here is what happens.
Hey, I just got this new blah blah rifle chambered in blah blah. I am looking for a VX3i, what is your prices?
"Ok, can you be a little more specific on what you are looking for? manufacture numbers are best"
I think I want a 4-14 in the VX3I
"Ok, What tube diameter? Objective size? CDS or no CDS? side focus or no side focus? Windplex? duplex? B&C? Manufacture number please"
Oh, I am not sure what is all available and can't seem to find the info
"Did you look at Leupold.com?, they have all the info and can explain it better than I can on a text message, plus they have the manufacture number"
OK, I think i found the number It's 172889
"Um, that is not a good number, where did you get it?"
Off the cabela's website....
"yeah, they use their own numbers and they are not Leupold numbers. I either need the manufacture number or for you to be very specific in what options you want."

I love helping out when I can. . Thanks for all you guys who have dealt with me and put up with me.... and thanks trying to buy as much Leupold products as possible. I wish at this time the inventory was a little better but it has about hit rock bottom. I think it can only get better from here. I am really looking forward to seeing what new models come out in the beginning of the year!!!
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So Ken is someone I talked with on the phone a few times and we talk business so he understands why I ask for the manufacture number. even more so on a text message that should be short and sweet. Let me describe what about 30% of all messages are like, and please do not think this is making fun of anyone but it will give you an idea of why the manufacture number matter. here is what happens.
Hey, I just got this new blah blah rifle chambered in blah blah. I am looking for a VX3i, what is your prices?
"Ok, can you be a little more specific on what you are looking for? manufacture numbers are best"
I think I want a 4-14 in the VX3I
"Ok, What tube diameter? Objective size? CDS or no CDS? side focus or no side focus? Windplex? duplex? B&C? Manufacture number please"
Oh, I am not sure what is all available and can't seem to find the info
"Did you look at Leupold.com?, they have all the info and can explain it better than I can on a text message, plus they have the manufacture number"
OK, I think i found the number It's 172889
"Um, that is not a good number, where did you get it?"
Off the cabela's website....
"yeah, they use their own numbers and they are not Leupold numbers. I either need the manufacture number or for you to be very specific in what options you want."

I love helping out when I can. Until I quit my day job I am a bit limited during the day hours and do most work after 4pm. Thanks for all you guys who have dealt with me and put up with me.... and thanks trying to buy as much Leupold products as possible. I wish at this time the inventory was a little better but it has about hit rock bottom. I think it can only get better from here. I am really looking forward to seeing what new models come out in the beginning of the year!!!

Haha. That could almost be a direct quote of the first time I ordered something from you.

All valid points. Go to the leupold website and they'll tell you all the whizbang details, PM schmalts the manufacturer number, then you'll get a killer deal on a killer scope.

The last scope I inquired on wasn't available at the time. I told schmalts I'd wait until things became available. Quicker than I expected, I received a PM that the scope was back in stock and he got me squared away before they sold out again.
So Ken is someone I talked with on the phone a few times and we talk business so he understands why I ask for the manufacture number. even more so on a text message that should be short and sweet. Let me describe what about 30% of all messages are like, and please do not think this is making fun of anyone but it will give you an idea of why the manufacture number matter. here is what happens.
Hey, I just got this new blah blah rifle chambered in blah blah. I am looking for a VX3i, what is your prices?
"Ok, can you be a little more specific on what you are looking for? manufacture numbers are best"
I think I want a 4-14 in the VX3I
"Ok, What tube diameter? Objective size? CDS or no CDS? side focus or no side focus? Windplex? duplex? B&C? Manufacture number please"
Oh, I am not sure what is all available and can't seem to find the info
"Did you look at Leupold.com?, they have all the info and can explain it better than I can on a text message, plus they have the manufacture number"
OK, I think i found the number It's 172889
"Um, that is not a good number, where did you get it?"
Off the cabela's website....
"yeah, they use their own numbers and they are not Leupold numbers. I either need the manufacture number or for you to be very specific in what options you want."

I love helping out when I can. Until I quit my day job I am a bit limited during the day hours and do most work after 4pm. Thanks for all you guys who have dealt with me and put up with me.... and thanks trying to buy as much Leupold products as possible. I wish at this time the inventory was a little better but it has about hit rock bottom. I think it can only get better from here. I am really looking forward to seeing what new models come out in the beginning of the year!!!
170684 LOL
Lol. Took me 20 seconds to look it up with that number. But, like a lot of stuff I'm out of stock.
well now I know what to do...... Weird a guy here at work just walked up with one in his hands and said I heard you was looking for a scope and I need some Christmas cash. WIN WIN. I will be back to you in jan feb though for sure. Ive gotta get at least 2 more hunting and start on this long range project for my 7 year old.
Just received my first order for @schmalts and my first Leupold as I've always bought Vortex. I still love Vortex but I have a feeling as long as Pat sticks around I might have more Leupolds. Thank you.

I'm sure you guys are as careful about recommending vendors to colleagues as I am. Relatives and valued friends all provide positive feedback after transacting with @schmalts ...tell yo shootin' frenz.

I'm sure you guys are as careful about recommending vendors to colleagues as I am. Relatives and valued friends all provide positive feedback after transacting with @schmalts ...tell yo shootin' frenz.
Wasnt sure if this was just a perk of being on HT or should we be sending non-members his way as well???
Wasnt sure if this was just a perk of being on HT or should we be sending non-members his way as well???
Perhaps I could’ve worded it better. Wasn’t my intention to infer forum exclusivity for Pats optics. Simply meant a vendor has to be top notch solid before I’ll refer.
Perhaps I could’ve worded it better. Wasn’t my intention to infer forum exclusivity for Pats optics. Simply meant a vendor has to top notch before I’ll refer.
No worries, I knew what you were saying! I’m the same way, I won’t recommend products or vendors to others unless I’ve had a good experience already. On that note, I’ve definitely been happy dealing with Schmalts in the past and look forward to it in the future!
So Ken is someone I talked with on the phone a few times and we talk business so he understands why I ask for the manufacture number. even more so on a text message that should be short and sweet. Let me describe what about 30% of all messages are like, and please do not think this is making fun of anyone but it will give you an idea of why the manufacture number matter. here is what happens.
Hey, I just got this new blah blah rifle chambered in blah blah. I am looking for a VX3i, what is your prices?
"Ok, can you be a little more specific on what you are looking for? manufacture numbers are best"
I think I want a 4-14 in the VX3I
"Ok, What tube diameter? Objective size? CDS or no CDS? side focus or no side focus? Windplex? duplex? B&C? Manufacture number please"
Oh, I am not sure what is all available and can't seem to find the info
"Did you look at Leupold.com?, they have all the info and can explain it better than I can on a text message, plus they have the manufacture number"
OK, I think i found the number It's 172889
"Um, that is not a good number, where did you get it?"
Off the cabela's website....
"yeah, they use their own numbers and they are not Leupold numbers. I either need the manufacture number or for you to be very specific in what options you want."

I love helping out when I can. . Thanks for all you guys who have dealt with me and put up with me.... and thanks trying to buy as much Leupold products as possible. I wish at this time the inventory was a little better but it has about hit rock bottom. I think it can only get better from here. I am really looking forward to seeing what new models come out in the beginning of the year!!!


Been there.

So am I understanding this correctly that leupold purchases are just not happening right now? We have to wait until they update their website?
So am I understanding this correctly that leupold purchases are just not happening right now? We have to wait until they update their website?
Purchasing is only what people have in stock. I have seen years where new items hit the shelves before Leupold put them in their website.
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