Scammer Scum - Beware

Don't get fooled by the duration a person has been with Hunt Talk either.

Another unintended consequence of @Big Fin 's recent "User ID" practice. People are not accountable for their past Hunt Talk actions.

Prior to the recent modification, if you changed your User ID, previous names were still present via symbol after their new User ID.

Now a person is able to completely change the User ID. This gives him/her a completely different identity on this site that continues with the same duration of time as his/her previous Hunt Talk identity
Seekins La. I have always loved the ergonomics of the stock. I have held a few others that look like the seekins but haven’t liked anything as much. Of course seekins won’t sell my just a stock and I can’t afford the rifle ha
I have also heard of people asking to put a random word on the sticky note on the item for sale. Tomato, Santa Claus, etc.

If you want to be really careful, go back to all of their posts and see if you can find someone who might have dealt with them.
I'm not too Internet savvy but I googed his number and saw that he's scammed a few people on different forums. Also saw that guy on roksludge bad mouth HT. Hopefully somebody can get one on one contact with him.
I have also heard of people asking to put a random word on the sticky note on the item for sale. Tomato, Santa Claus, etc.

If you want to be really careful, go back to all of their posts and see if you can find someone who might have dealt with them.
Yeah I asked them to put their username and date on a sticky note and put it on the stock which he did. I also asked for very specific photo angles of the stock which he sent also…. So he definitely has a seekins.

Two people have reached out says he tried to get them to buy Zeiss stuff
Yeah sounds like that number got a few folks on snipers hide. I tried to post on as many forums as possible warning people. I definitely should have done extra research in hindsight
I'm an old school guy. If you say it, I'll believe it. A handshake, even on the Internet, is a handshake . It's your word, it's who you are. People that break that bond of trust should be tormented, segregated and outed for the despicable pieces of shit their mother raised. I have no use for liars or thieves.
Me too and it cost me a fair amount of money. "I'd love to spit some Beechnut in that dudes eye..."
I've been really lucky so far, mostly on a long range site; they do have user feedback on sellers and buyers which is valuable.
Wow, this really reminds me to develop relationships before business dealings in this world. Really look at their history the best you can. Are they only on to sell? Maybe common practice becomes posting the possible sale for everyone to review? I have a pile of random stuff I’ve wanted to sell, but been hesitant. It’s all collecting dust. How many different bipod options does one dude need!?! 🤪

Do you require a video call while they ship it at UPS or wherever? Watch the whole dang packaging and transaction? There are still motivated piles of smoking dung that will try to game the system.

@Big Fin What if we created a standard system? I know it’s work, but I’d be willing to bounce ideas and help in whatever way I can. I’m an idiot, but generally am willing to try. I would be more likely to sell my stuff actually.
Maybe common practice becomes posting the possible sale for everyone to review?
Unfortunately, with this website's recent revised "Privacy" settings, people on HT can block review of their prior posts, change their name entirely, block access to their profile, etc... Suppose that can be a hint to be cautious though I would rather a person be accountable for their past HT activity and review accordingly.

For buyer/seller - I've gotta know someone or know someone who knows that someone to feel comfortable buying selling on this website.
How hard would it be to have a "good guy" subject thread on the for sale/ trade section? Nothing elaborate just the username posted as subject and yours as the message?
How hard would it be to have a "good guy" subject thread on the for sale/ trade section? Nothing elaborate just the username posted as subject and yours as the message?
Didn't we have something like that?
Doesn’t matter, I got taken from a long standing member. He was hacked and never knew it. @Khunter was hacked a while ago and the imposter was trying to sell me a Davis tent with pics from the website.

Buyer beware

Phone calls? Conference calls to confirm? Matching images? Hmmmm… It’s 🐎 💩 that we need to problem solve this, but if not… they win.
Kenetrek Boots

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