Kenetrek Boots

SB 497 - Attack on Stream Access

It was introduced Friday, when there were over 309 bills being dropped. It's a deliberate attempt to reduce pressure against the bill through process.

It has passed out of committee already.

Lit it up folks. All hands on deck.
Ben, my thanks to you for highlighting this. I will echo an earlier question—what is the best attack strategy at this point in your view?
I see the bill's alleged author is a young lawyer from Helena. Looking at his firm's website it's not hard to tell where the real impetus for this is coming from. Let's just say they don't typically represent the little guy in Montana.
Can someone explain to me some examples of what could happen if this bill passes? What is a scenario where a government entity (Commissioners, Your local Fire Dept?) would put a sign up on someone's private property for them?
Can someone explain to me some examples of what could happen if this bill passes? What is a scenario where a government entity (Commissioners, Your local Fire Dept?) would put a sign up on someone's private property for them?

Mitchell Slough & Seyler Lane come to mind.

The way this is written it could really erase the gains that were made on that case just a few short years ago.

The bill literally opens up the stream access code to carve this exemption out.
Oh, I jumped to the conclusion the author wasn’t the sponsoring legislator, as is often the case. Duh, me.
You may be correct. I suspect this Fitzpatrick is simply expendible cannon fodder for one or several of his firm's clients who are actually behind it. Look at who the firm "shareholders" (partners) represent. Contractors, railway companies, real estate developers, big business fighting environmental regulation, defending against medical malpractice (i.e. insurance companies for institutions and physicians), etc. Like I said, this firm isn't in business to look after the little guys.

The people who hunt and fish in that state need to pull their partisan heads out of their asses. Wake the hell up! The party running that state is running it into the ground. And at least two of the clowns Montana sends to Washington (also from the same party) are nothing short of a national embarrassment. I have always prided myself in being nonpartisan but how can it be avoided anymore?
Probably won't hurt to drop a line to Fitzpatrick's law firm (Browning, Kaleczyc, et al in Helena) letting them know how disgusted Montanans are with Fitzpatrick introducing this bill. Like they really give a shit (I'm sure they don't). But worth a try. Can someone check and see what other kind of big shot serving foolishness Fitzpatrick has introduced in the past? What's his rap sheet? Apparently he's been in the legislature for a while.
Senator Fitzpatrick is the Majority Floor Leader.

He's been in the legislature since 2011
Probably won't hurt to drop a line to Fitzpatrick's law firm (Browning, Kaleczyc, et al in Helena) letting them know how disgusted Montanans are with Fitzpatrick introducing this bill. Like they really give a shit (I'm sure they don't). But worth a try. Can someone check and see what other kind of big shot serving foolishness Fitzpatrick has introduced in the past? What's his rap sheet? Apparently he's been in the legislature for a while.

Wildly unhelpful.

Please don't do this. Just hammer the Senate floor.
Is there anything in the bill language regarding oversight of posting, notification, etc. It just seems like this would be so easy to abuse. Line the pocket of just about any govt entity and in five years you’ve got your own private stream
Sent emails to every senator in the Flathead. I would urge everyone to hit more than just your senator. Hit neighboring districts as well. Unfortunately for me, Keith Reiger voted on this today in the Judiciary Committee so I couldn't exactly ask him to flip his vote.
Is there anything in the bill language regarding oversight of posting, notification, etc. It just seems like this would be so easy to abuse. Line the pocket of just about any govt entity and in five years you’ve got your own private stream



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