Caribou Gear

SB 497 - Attack on Stream Access

If you care about your kids or grandkids fishing opportunities, you had better get into action NOW on SB 497. And if you voted for the "conservative" clowns that are working hard at destroying Montana's outdoor opportunities, I wish you would keep this in mind next time before you vote.
I've contacted my Senator and thanked him for his opposition to these type of bills. That helps him keep his opposition to these kind of bills, but doesn't change the trajectory of this bill. The most effective message will come from voters in the districts of Senators supporting this bill, especially if they hear from someone they know or someone who voted for them.
I've contacted my Senator and thanked him for his opposition to these type of bills. That helps him keep his opposition to these kind of bills, but doesn't change the trajectory of this bill. The most effective message will come from voters in the districts of Senators supporting this bill, especially if they hear from someone they know or someone who voted for them.
Completely agree.
Senator Fitzpatrick is the Majority Floor Leader.

He's been in the legislature since 2011
I guess I missed the bit about him being the Floor Leader. That explains a LOT. The author(s) wanted to throw as much clout behind the bill as possible. Who better to push it through fast and furious?

Apparently this has generated a ton of bad publicity in Montana. Two of my best friends back there are/were both GOP junkies. I had a hard time making them believe the other crap the Gianforte crowd unleashed this last session (e.g. the 600 acre commissioner rule). But when I emailed them today to fire off letters re this latest assault, to my surprise they both answered they had already sent them. So it appears some people, even on the east side, are finally waking up.
I am curious, what is the guide association's position on this? It would seem this would be an issue that might cause some beneficial defection?
I find the messaging system to be a real pain in the ass. The legislators aren't in alphabetical order! Here's what I wrote to the Republican members of the Senate:

Dear Senator,

My name is xxxx, and I live in Jefferson City, MT. I grew up in Clancy, MT .

I am opposed to SB 497, which functionally is an increase in the power that government will have over the people. A "government entity" could be a County Commission, a Conservation District, a fire warden, etc. How is it appropriate that any government entity could start the clock that requires litigation for access? This bill has no oversight and is ripe for abuse.

It's clearly designed to overwhelm the working man's access in favor of people with lawyers. Prescriptive rights and the laws around them have been working fine for Montanans, as has stream access law, which this bill is designed to weaken.

I ask that you vote No on SB 497.

Thank you for your service to Montana.



For your own emails, here's a list of all the (R) senators that you could just paste into your email.

[email protected],
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I find the messaging system to be a real pain in the ass. The legislators aren't in alphabetical order! Here's what I wrote to the Republican members of the Senate:

Dear Senator,

My name is xxxx, and I live in Jefferson City, MT. I grew up in Clancy, MT .

I am opposed to SB 497, which functionally is an increase in the power that government will have over the people. A "government entity" could be a County Commission, a Conservation District, a fire warden, etc. How is it appropriate that any government entity could start the clock that requires litigation for access? This bill has no oversight and is ripe for abuse.

It's clearly designed to overwhelm the working man's access in favor of people with lawyers. Prescriptive rights and the laws around them have been working fine for Montanans, as has stream access law, which this bill is designed to weaken.

I ask that you vote No on SB 497.

Thank you for your service to Montana.



For your own emails, here's a list of all the (R) senators that you could just paste into your email.

[email protected],
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Thanks for this list. I emailed my senator and now I will email all of them. I don’t mind blowing their e-mail up.
Thanks, Nameless. It really boggles my mind how such a ridiculous loosely defined and inevitably unpopular bill could be introduced by a lawyer whose firm is almost entirely devoted to corporate litigation. Surely he knows the thing would be a train wreck to administer. AND THEN it flies warp speed through the Judiciary Committee. Really? Lights are on but no one's home. Or do they just not give a shit? Or maybe no one who ostensibly supports it to this point expects it to pass anyway. Just going through the motions to fulfill financial obligations to the transplant heavy hitters for their campaign funding. Some of the stuff this legislature has come up with has sure been a head scratcher. But this one really is a bomb. It should blow up in their face but I bet everyone on the committee who voted for it will still come through the next election just fine. They belong to the right party ... way right.
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Thanks for the list @Nameless Range. Can’t believe how fast this moved. By the time I get off work so I can send emails, it’s already out of Committee and less than 24 hrs from a vote? Come on.

We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill?

Seems like an awful big hurry to get something done before the folks who are most affected find out.
I'm sure it's been reported already but did this bill make it through the House already or is that still potentially down the road?
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