Well-known member
shoots...there are to many either sex tags in the breaks....quality has been degraded substantially. No room for discussion or arguement here... a herd bull is now a 290-300, where 10-15 years ago it was a many bulls are being slaughtered....and to few why not work w/ landowners and figure out how to get access? Personally I would rather be able to access a cow elk than no elk at all.
That's as easy as getting everyone in the region, (sportsman's groups, landowners, FWP) on the same page during the Tentative process. Everyone aggree's that there's to many either-sex tags, and you slice them back some. The structure is already there.
That being said, I still don' t see how cutting weeks off of a limited entry tag does anything.
If your saying that the landowners, farmers, ranchers are trying to strong arm the season structure by holding access ransom, I say "go pound sand".