Caribou Gear Tarp

Savage Model 11 Trophy Hunter XP


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Helena, MT
For the second time in 2 chances, I won a rifle at our local Wild Sheep Foundation banquet. Couldn't have been more thrilled and appreciative to the great folks that run the Montana Chapter and put on a great banquet!!

I am not at all familiar with the model and caliber of gun so I was hoping for some input from out resident experts. As the title says, it is a Savage Model 11/111 Trophy Hunter XP in 6.5 Creedmoor. The gun comes from the factory with a Nikon 3x9x40 BDC reticle.

I'm open to hearing what people might think of the model, caliber, and the scope. I have spoken to a few friends and read a little bit online and the 6.5 Creedmoor seems to be really popular right now and could be a great deer and antelope gun. Does anyone have suggestions on factory ammunition? I do not re-load so will be buying factory ammo. I see that Hornady makes a 129 bullet that gets good reviews.

Any input from folks familiar with this gun and caliber would be greatly appreciated. I am stoked to get it out to the range!!
6.5CM is a great round from prairie dogs to elk. Not to mention with a good load and scope you can long range some steel at 1000+ yards.

The 129's from Hornady will be good, along with the new ELD-x they make. Best bet is to try the better factory ammo, save the brass, and see what works for that rifle. Doubtful you wont find something it wont shoot well.
My brother has the same set up, he loves it. I would run the 129 gr Hornady and you will be good to go. congrats, I never win anything!
I have the same gun in 7-mm08 and love it. Very accurate smooth bolt just like it, however I swapped scopes as I did not like the Bdc reticle, that's just my personal preference. Good luck with it.
My son has that Savage in 6.5 Creedmoor as well, Savages seem to be inherently accurate and I'm sure yours will be as well, very capable caliber. Keep the brass in case you start reloading or you can sell it to someone. Congrats, you're going to like that rifle.
I feel Savage makes a good rifle, and they are at least based in North America. They may build the rifles either in Canada or the US from my research. Rinella had two executives on his podcast back during SHOT show. They want their rifles to be MOA rifles, and if it isn't they said send it to them and they will figure it out. Though they said most sent back are still MOA just people shooting cheap ammo.
Big fan of Savage rifles. One suggestion, re-mount the scope to insure that the screws have been tightened securely and set with lock-tite. I had one that after a few rounds the grouping kept getting broader. The screws were not tight. Did some research and found others who had the same problem.
could be a great deer and antelope gun.

Don't be afraid to go after elk too! I've killed 3 elk in the past 3 years with my 6.5x284 shooting 140gr Bergers. The creedmoor is based off of the .30TC cartridge and is a bit slower than the 6.5x284, but not by too much. This year, I'm working on a load using Hornady's new 143gr ELD-X bullet and am very happy with how it shoots so far. If you don't handload, they also make factory ammo...not sure how hard it is to find
I really appreciate all the feedback guys!! The more I learn about this gun and caliber, the more I think it is going to work well for me and my boys. Thank you all for taking the time to respond! I think I will go buy a lottery ticket as suggested above. If I win, its 6.5 Creedmoor's for everyone who chimed in :).

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