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Sat Nite Poker Game

THEE i some Playing going on !!!!!! KACHING !!

OK, more trash talking.. And I've had to bail those guys out a few times with money
... :D :D
JoseCuervo said:
If you are too stupid to know the answer, then just say so.... ya dumbass....
so.... ya dumbass....
there i said it, buttmunch
So.. I strtedat 8..... And right now it's 2AM... YAH, I'm not Adicted ;)

I gave Schmalts at least a Grand.. but I think he paid me back. Tuffbucker got 2k 2 times and Browtine 2k one time. I think they have a Worse habit then me ;) . There was a Guy from Boise that I didn't know but I laughed ALot.. I mean A-fetchin-lot at/with him. I gave him 2k at one point and then he later gave it back and We went all in atthe end and I took his 10k he had left. Walked out with 30k after giving out the money...... Too bad it wasn't real money...

Anyways, Gunner46, you missed a good game :)

Do it like to play.......... "yes" ;) (Inside joke for the boyz that stayed on hump )
yea i gave you back a grand, and gave Tuff a grand. Left the table with 6500 that i took from Dottie and that sunglass wearing homo
You may have to give me a loan Moosie......im broke....yet again!! Who'd a thunk I wouldve lost on a full house......damn Sunnyman45.....:).....yes..........

Cant forget some of our other favorites.....
The canuck chick with "boobs that would make you cry"
THe homeless guy with the "nut tickler"
Kanye----the white guy who thought he was black!
Judy....the 90 year old grandma that wanted Moosie
THe Runnin Man.....homo......yes......

THere were many more, but they couldnt take the heat, so they got out of the kitchen.

Lets play earlier tonight!!!

YAH, I was telling my wife about it this morning and she just didn't get it... One of those "Had to have been there" ones ?

The funny thing is the Sonny Guy knows a guy I know and I told him my name, the conversation went something like this...... He was a Slow typer or Mildly retarded, We're not sure and I swear he made me laugh for hours by not even saying much. One time he through the word "DEER" in there and I fell out of my chair. It's funny what makes a Guy laugh at 2AM ;) ..... but it went something like like :

Moosie : Sonny, you know Mark ?
Moosie : he's a good guy.
Moosie : Can you tell Mark something for me ?
Moosie : Ask him about Oscar.
Sonny Man45 : Yes
Moosie : Yes What ?
Moosie : Do you know him ?
Moosie : .....
Moosie : Do you ?
Sonny Man45 : Yes.
Moosie : Ask him then OK ?
Moosie : Can you do that ?
Moosie : Are you ging to the DHI BAnquet ?
Moosie : Sonny are you there ?
Sonny Man45 : No
Moosie : Sonny, No to what question ? You need to keep up man !!
Moosie : Can you remember my name ?
Moosie : Sonny, I'm gonig to tell you my name k ?
Sonny Man45 : yes
Moosie : OK, cool, now, Can you remember my name ?
Moosie : It's Os-car
Moosie : 2 sylybles.
Moosie : Os & Car
Moosie : OSCAR !
Moosie : got it ?
Moosie :Sonny, Are you there ?
Moosie : Sonny ?
Sonny Man45 : Yes
Moosie : HAHA.. Yes what ? you're there or you can Remember my name ?
Moosie : Which is it Sonny ?
Sonny Man45 : Yes
Moosie : Unreal !!!!
Moosie : Sonny, tell me my name.... Can you remember it ?
Moosie : Sonny, Are you drinking ?
Moosie : Come on ...
Sonny Man45 : Ocar
Moosie: NO !!!!!!!!! Come on Sonny..
Moosie : Sonny, It's Os-car there is an "S" in it !!!!
Moosie : You say you're an American and Not retarded right ? Don't BS me Sonny, it's showing otherwise.
Moosie : Sonny You know I'm winning right ?
Moosie : This is going to be a long night.
Moosie, You got the Name ?
Sonny Man45 : lol
Moosie : Can you rembmber that ?
Moosie : Sonny ?
Sonny Man45 : yes
Moosie : OK Cool.
Moosie : Sonny, it was Fun chatting with you tonight. I learned alot.
Moosie : I learned you're not Mildly retarded and lay tile.
Moosie : I also learned that even though your Profile says Bosie you're actually from Boise. thats good.
Moosie : You also know the word deer. thats a good word to know Sonny.
Moosie : I need to get going so.....
Sonny Man45 : hTile buy store
Moosie : WHOOOO Sunny, Stick to one words bud !!!
Moosie: I understood Store and tiles.
Moosie: Do you Buy tiles from Mark ?
Moosie : Sonny...... do you Sell tiles ?
Moosie : So you say you're not drunk right ?
Moosie : Sonny.. talk to me man.....
Sonny Man45 : lol

That Canuck chick sure got mad when you made fun of her. Thn she said you'd cry if you saw her Boobs. Then she old you to F-off. MAybe she didn't like my Canuck jokes .. such hostility !!! ;)

... AHHH Mi Lucky Charms !!!!! :D HAHA, I'm laughing again out loud thinking about it. I forgot about Kahne. What a *****er.
Just FYI... I gave tuff 150G tonight.. and Schmalts got 75 G... you guys are welcome :)
Caribou Gear

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